Medical Drug testing before matriculation

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Oct 13, 2014
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I am legally prescribed a stimulant for ADHD, as well as a low dose benzo and opioid for a rare pain condition.

This regimen has been in place for > 1 year, with no adverse cognitive effects. I am in the 90th percentile of matriculants for GPA and MCAT nationally.

The prescribing physician is a full professor for a major medical school. I only point this out to say that they are not a pill-mill doc.

I am concerned that testing positive on my drug screen may cause the school to rescind my acceptance by saying I fail to meet their technical standards due to this medication regimen.

Is this a legitimate concern or am I overthinking the situation?

You're overthinking it.

All you'd have to do is provide evidence of you being prescribed specific drugs that correlate with a positive finding. Especially if this is something you've been on for over a year. If anything it may require an additional step in verifying your drug regimen with your current physician(s).

As an example, I had a soldier in my unit chosen for a random drug test. They had specific opioids in the past prescribed by military physicians. All that happened was the Department of Defense representative(s) requested a statement and/or MFR write up that validates that the soldier was prescribed the specific drugs that showed up on his/her screening.

Its not that uncommon and is dealt with accordingly.

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