Drug Testing Questions:

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standard urine drug panel

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Oh crap. How long does crack stay in your system?? 😱:idea:
oh crap... how long does crack cocaine stay in your system?? 😕:scared:
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And for all your haters out there, I honestly don't care what your thoughts are about drug usage and how you feel about me or the question. All I need is an answer and nothing more. Thanks.

At my school (not midwestern) they made us get a drug screening and a background check every year, usually around the start of the new semester. And the kicker is they made us pay for both.
And for all your haters out there, I honestly don't care what your thoughts are about drug usage and how you feel about me or the question. All I need is an answer and nothing more. Thanks.

I'm neither judging nor hating on you, but here are a couple of things to consider if you are asking this question on behalf of yourself (or to others who have posted recently about similar questions).

You may be called upon at any time to take and pass a drug test - you will not always have the luxury of knowing several weeks in advance (thus giving you the opportunity to stay clean for awhile). In fact, I found out yesterday that I have to take a urine drug test for one of my rotations in the next 3 days or I risk losing the rotation. I had no idea it was coming, but there it is.

When I went for a job interview, I had no idea they were going to hand me a form and tell me I had to take the test within 24 hours or I would be deemed un-hire-able (I knew I would have to do it before being officially hired, I just wasn't expecting to be offered the job on the spot).

I know that you probably are aware of this already - I would just strongly advise you to take it under consideration as you move forward into pharmacy school. Best of luck.

Edited to add - I don't know if they routinely check creatinine levels, but they most likely WILL check temperature and pH on the spot. The last one I had done, they couldn't do the drug test part in house because my employer wanted/needed a more thorough screen and the sample had to be sent in. They still verified temp and pH before it was sent off.
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Instead of making this thread into a debate of what is right or wrong (we already know what's wrong), can somebody answer the OP and tell him when CPG gives the drug test?

Why? What do we owe this guy to help him in this situation? It would be much more amusing just to watch him fail the drug test imo.
"God-fearing " - what a joke.

What joke is there, Aficionado, if people are no longer God-fearing, and no longer have the self-respect, and personal drive to do whats right. We've got all the drive in the world to abuse narcotics, marijuana, and one another, but we've got no drive to say enough is enough.

I can't stand to see the level of drug abuse in this forum, and I cant stand seeing how so many of you make a joke of the situation, or even tolerate tolerate the fact that so many of your peers are abusing marijuana, even your pre-medical peers. This has got to stop, and it begins with each and every one of you.

  • Do not associate marijuana with being "hip" and "groovy".

  • Do not laugh when marijuana jokes are made, or laugh when films glamourize marijuana usage.

  • Do make a personal Vow to never engage in or condone the recreational use of marijuana.

  • Do talk with your peers, and encourage them to make the same Vow of abstinence.

  • Do not attend any Parties where you would anticipate alcohol or marijuana usage.
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You see, the hidden issue, and it need not be hidden among us...the government always tries to paint itself as the mother hen, concerned about her errant chicks. And so, to keep you from crashing into other people on the freeway, to keep you from leaping out of buildings or committing society, we have to control these drugs. As a matter of fact, you know, this is absurd. More people die because of alcohol than all illegal drugs combined in a given year. The government is not your friend on this issue. The government is very concerned to control the mass mind. And marijuana -- my God, since the British Commission on Hemp, which was in 1889, I believe -- the British East India Company commissioned a study of hemp -- they have spent millions and millions and millions of dollars to find something, anything, you name it, wrong with cannabis. There is nothing wrong with cannabis. It is the most thoroughly tested, pawed over, and examined drug in human history. And they just come up with the lamest stuff. I mean, they tell you, you know, you're gonna have tits. Give me a break. They say, 'You won't be motivated in your job.' Like your job is supposed to be the (pinnacle) against which all things are to be measured.
And I think people on our side of this question have been tremendously naive, because people just think, 'We just have to convince them that it's harmless.' *It ain't harmless.* It is a knife poised at the heart of dominator values. It would make the modern industrial assembly line, political loyalites, the macho image projection -- all of these little tricks that they're running are severely eroded by cannabis. And they will stop at nothing to eradicate it. Look at the budget of the DEA -- what are they doing? They're giving, 65% is dedicated to cannabis eradication. Heroin gets 20%, coke gets all the rest. It's demonstrably absurd the way the money is spent, unless you have a secret agenda of some sort. And if your agenda is to supress the evolution of unwanted social attitudes in the American public, then you have to keep your eye on cannabis very very closely. The new guy who heads the War on Drugs, Martinez? This guy, I heard him on NPR this week, and his most passionate moment in the half hour interview was, he said, 'We have pushed the price of an ounce of cannabis past the price of an ounce of gold, and we're going to keep it that way.' Nothing about eradication, talk about keeping the price high. The fact that they refuse to tax it when they're starving for revenue shows that there must be a secret agenda. It doesn't make any kind of sense.
What joke is there, Aficionado, if people are no longer God-fearing, and no longer have the self-respect, and personal drive to do whats right. We've got all the drive in the world to abuse narcotics, marijuana, and one another, but we've got no drive to say enough is enough.

I can't stand to see the level of drug abuse in this forum, and I cant stand seeing how so many of you make a joke of the situation, or even tolerate tolerate the fact that so many of your peers are abusing marijuana, even your pre-medical peers. This has got to stop, and it begins with each and every one of you.

  • Do not associate marijuana with being "hip" and "groovy".

  • Do not laugh when marijuana jokes are made, or laugh when films glamourize marijuana usage.

  • Do make a personal Vow to never engage in or condone the recreational use of marijuana.

  • Do talk with your peers, and encourage them to make the same Vow of abstinence.

  • Do not attend any Parties where you would anticipate alcohol or marijuana usage.

Interesting if your research proves correct. your view is not a typical one-- one where kids show unabashed support for marijuana legalization on the grounds that it brings them personal pleasure.

"agenda to suppress unwanted social attitudes in the American public"
not an unreasonable agenda, if you ask me. 🙂

i would be interested to see where most students lie, whether they support such legalization, and why.

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I am just going to quit smoking the ganj a couple weeks before school starts in sept.

anything else would only require a week to get completely out of your system.

"Let me ask you this. What's the harm in just quitting and coming clean? It's as simple as that. It's as easy as that! Why not turn your life around, leave the abuse behind, leave the destruction, and make way for light. Make room for God in your life, and let Him fill your heart with peace and joy."

who says smoking Cannabis is abusive and destructive? your health teacher in high school?

Just because a drug is deemed illegal by our society doesn't mean its the devil.

pharmacists of all people should know there is a difference between drug use and drug abuse.

it's disgusting how bad they are, when my friend was on oxycontin at age 18 for his chronic pain, he was harassed almost every time he went into a pharmacy.
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Does anyone know the costs of these drug tests? My university insurance expired and I don't want to fork over several hundred dollars 🙁

edit: thanks for PM-ing back your response. I was informed by very kind members that the drug test, at least for my school, will not exceed $100. Phhhewwww
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pharmacists of all people should know there is a difference between drug use and drug abuse.

it's disgusting how bad they are, when my friend was on oxycontin at age 18 for his chronic pain, he was harassed almost every time he went into a pharmacy.

How often are 18-year-olds on oxycontin for chronic pain?

I can think of a ton of 18-year-olds who are likely to abuse it or sell it. So it's justified a bit...
How often are 18-year-olds on oxycontin for chronic pain?

I can think of a ton of 18-year-olds who are likely to abuse it or sell it. So it's justified a bit...

prejudice is the practice of judging without knowing the situation.

just because other people are abusing doesnt mean you treat people badly

judging people is not EVER justified as a healthcare provider

also you're running a business and aggravating the customers without reason is also completely wrong
Hi, I am attending Midwestern's Chicago college of pharmacy this fall and was wondering if they required you to undergo any drug screening before you begin classes. The midwestern website and portal system does not mention anything about a drug test. If anybody out there knows if they do require drug testing, what kind of test is it and would I have to pay for it myself. Thanks for your input and time.
Usually I keep my mouth shut with this topic, but recently I've seen alot of people asking this question reguarding drug tests.

If they do have one, it should be free and second for someone going into pharmacy school, you should never have to worry about taking a drug test. Reason being, you should never been taking drugs. 🙂

My 0.02 cents....
I found out at both midwesterns that you only take a drug screening right before your rotations at the hospital. None before classes or matriculation. hope that helps.
These threads really scare me--how so many youngsters admit to smoking pot and how you huddle up and scheme to beat the very system designed to catch you. SDN does not sanction illicit drug-use, yet these threads keep popping up!

One of the posts up there said, you shouldnt be wary of drug testing because you shouldnt be on drugs to begin with. It's shocking that even students of Pharmacy are wound up in the mess that is marijuana.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

I encourage each and every one of you personally affected by marijuana to turn away from it immediately.
These threads really scare me--how so many youngsters admit to smoking pot and how you huddle up and scheme to beat the very system designed to catch you. SDN does not sanction illicit drug-use, yet these threads keep popping up!

One of the posts up there said, you shouldnt be wary of drug testing because you shouldnt be on drugs to begin with. It's shocking that even students of Pharmacy are wound up in the mess that is marijuana.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

I encourage each and every one of you personally affected by marijuana to turn away from it immediately.

well to be fair, marijuana is pretty tame. but still, /facepalm at all these drug test threads.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

Really?!? (before I get ripped up, I do not and have not ever used an illicit drug)

Who cares? Things that have a more profound effect on the population of the United States than Marijauna include:

1) ALCOHOL (so, please be as condescending to all of your pharm school friends who enjoy a few drinks after an exam. Hopefully they will assault you and add to the large % of felonies committed under the influence!)

2) Tylenol (the #1 cause of accute liver failure in the US! yay!)

3) Antifreeze (more people have overdosed and died on ethylene glycol in one night than have died from a Marijuana overdose in the history of the world!)



So maybe this guy had a bit too much fun partying one night in undergrad and committed the ULTIMATE SIN. Maybe he had a poppy seed muffin for breakfast. Or MAYBE, he just wants to know what is up with the drug testing at the school he plans on attending! 😴

Edit: Also, he is a Sox fan, so he is probably on something waaaaaay stronger than weed and is about to go beat a homeless man to death with a table leg. Go Cubs go!!! =)
Really?!? (before I get ripped up, I do not and have not ever used an illicit drug)

Who cares? Things that have a more profound effect on the population of the United States than Marijauna include:

1) ALCOHOL (so, please be as condescending to all of your pharm school friends who enjoy a few drinks after an exam. Hopefully they will assault you and add to the large % of felonies committed under the influence!)

2) Tylenol (the #1 cause of accute liver failure in the US! yay!)

3) Antifreeze (more people have overdosed and died on ethylene glycol in one night than have died from a Marijuana overdose in the history of the world!)



So maybe this guy had a bit too much fun partying one night in undergrad and committed the ULTIMATE SIN. Maybe he had a poppy seed muffin for breakfast. Or MAYBE, he just wants to know what is up with the drug testing at the school he plans on attending! 😴

Edit: Also, he is a Sox fan, so he is probably on something waaaaaay stronger than weed and is about to go beat a homeless man to death with a table leg. Go Cubs go!!! =)

These threads really scare me--how so many youngsters admit to smoking pot and how you huddle up and scheme to beat the very system designed to catch you. SDN does not sanction illicit drug-use, yet these threads keep popping up!

One of the posts up there said, you shouldnt be wary of drug testing because you shouldnt be on drugs to begin with. It's shocking that even students of Pharmacy are wound up in the mess that is marijuana.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

I encourage each and every one of you personally affected by marijuana to turn away from it immediately.

You are a fool. I don't condone smoking marijuana, but I know a plethora of fully functional, productive and excellent students and people in general. Don't generalize based on what the TV tells you to think a stereotypical pot smoker is supposed to be like.

Umm....maybe you should watch the video you just posted? They were testing positive for the whole day after eating poppy seeds in the morning.

My comment was meant to not be completely serious, but really if you are going to bold someones text and tell them they are wrong you should probably not fail.👎
These threads really scare me--how so many youngsters admit to smoking pot and how you huddle up and scheme to beat the very system designed to catch you. SDN does not sanction illicit drug-use, yet these threads keep popping up!

One of the posts up there said, you shouldnt be wary of drug testing because you shouldnt be on drugs to begin with. It's shocking that even students of Pharmacy are wound up in the mess that is marijuana.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

I encourage each and every one of you personally affected by marijuana to turn away from it immediately.

I'm actually not sure if this person is being serious. Their post seems a little over the top. Anyway, marijuana is really no more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol so I don't see what the big deal is, especially considering that it will be legal in a number of states within a decade if polling trends are any indication (of course it will still be illegal under federal law). Also, how exactly is it "corrupting our youth"? And what is so wrong with "pleasure-seeking"? After all, everyone seeks pleasure in his or her own way. What's really the difference between watching the game in the privacy of your own home and watching the game while smoking some marijuana in the privacy of your own home?
I'm actually not sure if this person is being serious. Their post seems a little over the top. Anyway, marijuana is really no more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol so I don't see what the big deal is, especially considering that it will be legal in a number of states within a decade if polling trends are any indication (of course it will still be illegal under federal law). Also, how exactly is it "corrupting our youth"? And what is so wrong with "pleasure-seeking"? After all, everyone seeks pleasure in his or her own way. What's really the difference between watching the game in the privacy of your own home and watching the game while smoking some marijuana in the privacy of your own home?

Go tell this to the adcoms, and I will be surely replied with a proper answer as well as a rejection letter.
Before this gets too heated,
everyone will be OKAY. No one is gonna get rejected or killed or anything.
On the failed use of the mythbusters clip.:laugh:.
One thing I do love about some of these responses are how they begin with "although I dont condone such and such" followed by reasons exactly condoning such and such usage, downplaying its harms, etc.etc.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert myself. I dont have hard statistics or clinical data against marijuana usage. I'm just going with my personal beliefs, and going on personal beliefs throws all usefulness of logic and debate out the window.

"what's wrong with self-indulgence?"
Everything is wrong with it. It flies against the face of our Christian values. Chastity, self-sacrifice.

"whats the difference between smoking in the privacy of one's home"
THe difference is not apparent on first glance. True. On closer inspection, considering the long-term consequences; considering what the crack-head is gonna do after the game... Is he gonna act like a calm, normal human being, or is gonna go out, booze himself up, and wreak havoc on his community in his crack-headed state?
I know these examples are extreme, and extremity is what it takes to crack our complacency. In light of all this, take what you will or dont. I want you guys to read this and just have fun with it. These boards are here for us to have fun, throw ideas around. In all likelihood, the world is not going to end if we've got one more liberal nut, or religious fanatic, (or even a pot-head) running around. Chances are a billion to one that our lives as we know it, will go on business as usual.

I have enjoyed reading these comments and thanks again for sharing your views.

Thread may be closed.
Not everyone here is Christian and not everyone who thinks marijuana should be legal is a "liberal nut".

And the thread will remain open for now.
These threads really scare me--how so many youngsters admit to smoking pot and how you huddle up and scheme to beat the very system designed to catch you. SDN does not sanction illicit drug-use, yet these threads keep popping up!

One of the posts up there said, you shouldnt be wary of drug testing because you shouldnt be on drugs to begin with. It's shocking that even students of Pharmacy are wound up in the mess that is marijuana.
Marijuana is a fundamental evil. It turns healthy productive citizens into bumbling red-eyed idiots. It corrupts our youth, promotes pleasure-seeking, and dulls the mind. In essence it is the ultimate sin.

I encourage each and every one of you personally affected by marijuana to turn away from it immediately.

You're an idiot.

That is all.
Before this gets too heated,
everyone will be OKAY. No one is gonna get rejected or killed or anything.
On the failed use of the mythbusters clip.:laugh:.
One thing I do love about some of these responses are how they begin with "although I dont condone such and such" followed by reasons exactly condoning such and such usage, downplaying its harms, etc.etc.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert myself. I dont have hard statistics or clinical data against marijuana usage. I'm just going with my personal beliefs, and going on personal beliefs throws all usefulness of logic and debate out the window.

"what's wrong with self-indulgence?"
Everything is wrong with it. It flies against the face of our Christian values. Chastity, self-sacrifice.

"whats the difference between smoking in the privacy of one's home"
THe difference is not apparent on first glance. True. On closer inspection, considering the long-term consequences; considering what the crack-head is gonna do after the game... Is he gonna act like a calm, normal human being, or is gonna go out, booze himself up, and wreak havoc on his community in his crack-headed state?
I know these examples are extreme, and extremity is what it takes to crack our complacency. In light of all this, take what you will or dont. I want you guys to read this and just have fun with it. These boards are here for us to have fun, throw ideas around. In all likelihood, the world is not going to end if we've got one more liberal nut, or religious fanatic, (or even a pot-head) running around. Chances are a billion to one that our lives as we know it, will go on business as usual.

I have enjoyed reading these comments and thanks again for sharing your views.

Thread may be closed.

Almost missed your second post :laugh:

Bigger idiot, and a credit to christians all over the world
Avoung is a christian fanatic AND a judgmental loser....but life will go on as usual.