DSO offer letter sign on bonus

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7+ Year Member
Dec 22, 2014
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I signed this “offer letter” with a DSO before they started designing my contract. It included mention of a sign on bonus. But, they messed up the wording and it says “in the 2 years” instead of “in the first 2 years.” It also clearly says it is a non-binding agreement… the sign on bonus pay back details were not included in my actual contact.
Would I have to pay the sign on back if I left before 2 years was up? And would I have to pay back if fired?

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I don't think they messed up the wording. It says "in the 2 years" referring to the 2 year contract.

Yes you would have to pay this back if you leave within the 2 year contract.

In the future I would negotiate to have it "prorated".

This means if you stay for half the contract, you only have to pay back half. Stay for 90%, only pay back 10%
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In my own personal opinion, only bad employers offer sign-on bonuses in the dental field. I have learned from difficult experience, that good employers keep dentists with their working conditions, while bad employers try to keep employees through coercion tactics such as the sign-on bonus. I would include restrictive covenant to that as well.
In my own personal opinion, only bad employers offer sign-on bonuses in the dental field. I have learned from difficult experience, that good employers keep dentists with their working conditions, while bad employers try to keep employees through coercion tactics such as the sign-on bonus. I would include restrictive covenant to that as well.

True, that’s what I’m realizing haha thus looking into the fine print now
View attachment 381384
I signed this “offer letter” with a DSO before they started designing my contract. It included mention of a sign on bonus. But, they messed up the wording and it says “in the 2 years” instead of “in the first 2 years.” It also clearly says it is a non-binding agreement… the sign on bonus pay back details were not included in my actual contact.
Would I have to pay the sign on back if I left before 2 years was up? And would I have to pay back if fired?
discuss everything with a lawyer
Keep in mind you don't receive the full signing bonus. You get the amount after tax withholdings which may be about 55 cents on the dollar. Depending on when you leave, you will need to payback the pro-rated full amount (before tax withholdings) which may be a lot out of pocket. In essence, you must pay big to leave. In addition to the crap working environment, the DSOs that does signing bonuses tend to have a lot of State Board Complaints (5 complaints directed at me but done by my predecessors).
Keep in mind you don't receive the full signing bonus. You get the amount after tax withholdings which may be about 55 cents on the dollar. Depending on when you leave, you will need to payback the pro-rated full amount (before tax withholdings) which may be a lot out of pocket. In essence, you must pay big to leave. In addition to the crap working environment, the DSOs that does signing bonuses tend to have a lot of State Board Complaints (5 complaints directed at me but done by my predecessors).

Explain this board complaint thing? How are they directed at you?
What has been bad about your DSO experience?

Too many meetings, too much production talk, too much trying to change my tx philosophy, too much trying to make me a tooth salesman… it’s annoying
Explain this board complaint thing? How are they directed at you?
Within my first 6 mos working at the DSO, I received 5 State Board Complaints in my name on procedures my predecessors did. After I left the DSO, I was notified of my own Board Complaint. My hyg (she gets production for SRPs and Arrestin) recommended SRPs & Arrestin. The pt went to an outside provider who only planned for prophy. The pt thought I was trying to scam him.

I left the DSO before 12 mos time (after 8 mos) and fortunately that DSO did not come after me to pay back the pro-rated signing bonus. That DSO is a crap show and the Board investigator was glad I'm not working there anymore.
I had a 50k bonus. I am very happy where I am.

100% autonomy, not much pressure with production (probably because I'm generating much more than the goal already), great office with amazing staff, and most importantly for me, it's a FUN place to work because everyone tries to enjoy and care for each other. I did a very thorough research before joining this specific clinic of the dso though. I never thought of saying this before joining, but I might stay where I am for a couple of years.

DSO offices are not all bad. Do your research before joining.
I had a 50k bonus. I am very happy where I am.

100% autonomy, not much pressure with production (probably because I'm generating much more than the goal already), great office with amazing staff, and most importantly for me, it's a FUN place to work because everyone tries to enjoy and care for each other. I did a very thorough research before joining this specific clinic of the dso though. I never thought of saying this before joining, but I might stay where I am for a couple of years.

DSO offices are not all bad. Do your research before joining.
A very believable testimony from someone named “Let me out!” 😂