EC’s and Personal Statement

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Feb 27, 2020
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I’m new here, this has probably been answered. Just wondering in regards to the application if you discuss something in your personal statement should you not list it as an extracurricular? Or can you talk about it in your personal statement and then list it as an EC and further discuss its impact? Asking for clarification since I know it shouldn’t be a regurgitation.

Also, would it be a possible/ a decent idea to list “Intercollegiate Athletics” and then in the description discuss awards won as well as the importance, so I don’t take up too much space separating awards from being a member of the sports team in general?


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I’m new here, this has probably been answered. Just wondering in regards to the application if you discuss something in your personal statement should you not list it as an extracurricular? Or can you talk about it in your personal statement and then list it as an EC and further discuss its impact? Asking for clarification since I know it shouldn’t be a regurgitation.

Also, would it be a possible/ a decent idea to list “Intercollegiate Athletics” and then in the description discuss awards won as well as the importance, so I don’t take up too much space separating awards from being a member of the sports team in general?


I assume you are talking about AMCAs. Technically this should be in the premed forum but I’m sure one of the moderators will move it soon.

But anyway, I put an intercollegiate sport as one of my most valuable ECs. I described my whole experience with the sport there leading up to college as well. I was captain of the team and also described the roll in the same section. However, I won several awards from the organization and did indeed leave these for the awards section. I also dicussed a handful of my ECs in my PS. Not in great detail like I did in the EC section but basically tied them all together in a cohesive story of how they created the person I am today and how they led me to medicine, etc. I had a very good cycle so it seemed to work out. Hope that answers your question. Feel free to PM me for additional feedback