ECU DPT 2022-2023 Admissions

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Full Member
Aug 15, 2022
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Hey everyone! I couldn't find an ECU specific thread...but definitely let me know if I'm lost and there is one lol. If anyone wants to talk on here or maybe make a snapchat or text groupchat let me know! ECU and UNC are my top choices, so very anxious to hear back 🙂

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Just got an email about interviewing!!! Yay!!!! Anyone else interviewing in November?
I haven't gotten an email but I know another person who did but not looking good for me right now :/
I haven't gotten an email but I know another person who did but not looking good for me right now :/
Don't give up! If you haven't received anything yet, then your application is still under review, or a possible candidate for an interview if someone withdraws their interview invite.
Has ECU sent out most of the interviews? Worried I haven’t heard anything.
Hey guys I am on the waitlist for ECU DPT. Has anyone gotten off the waitlist now or have any information about that?