EK 16 mini-mcats

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Mar 23, 2002
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is there a scale for these?

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Are you using them? How close are them to the real thing (ie AAMC 3-7R)
I have found the verbal sections inordinately difficult, even compared with the EK 101 verbal bokk: anyone take minimcat #13 w/ the passage about the Quran, WTF?, that was ridiculous. Otherwise, I think the science sections are pretty comparable...

as to scaled scores, it would be impossible to standardize these tests: 1) b/c they are such a small sample of questions and 2) b/c this book is brand new, and likely has not been tested by EK on many people, so no way of scaling scores; they will, likely, offer a scale w/ later editions of the book, but how much would they really correspond to actual standardized MCAT scores anyway?
If you want to see where you stand in terms of scaled score, AAMC P-MCAT's are the only way to go
yea the verbal is ridiculous. lol Im muslim so I managed to only miss one on that passage. I just kept thinkin "how the hell is anyone supposed to do this...". Ive been getting 9s and 10s on EK 101 and miss anywhere from 4-6 on just two verbal passages in the mini mcats. Im just thinkin they are generally harder....
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I don't know about you, Mahi, but I was kinda ticked off when I read that passage (i'm a muslim)...I think I got most of the questions wrong on that one. other than that, I think EK is great, and you should really concentrate doing the VR passages as if it were the real thing (i think that's what helped me score high in VR on the real MCAT...usually, i'm ralph wiggum when it comes to VR, "me fail english, that's un possible")
i'm thinking of getting one soon. How long did it take to arrive?
You think it's worth it for the upcoming test?
yeah I agree that those mini-mcats verbal are much harder than the 101 ?s.
The physics and bio seem a little easy. I like the verbal, I feel its similar to MCAT style questions but harder passages. I just wish there were more! Man, EK needs to make another 101 book. Its like theyre the only company who knows how to make verbal material.