EMT vs CNA vs Medical Scribe vs PCA

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2+ Year Member
Apr 27, 2019
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I’m on the premed track and I was considering being either an EMT, CNA, PCA or a scribe but I don’t know which one is best.

I’ve heard mixed reviews for all of them but what are your thoughts?

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Check out this recent post for a range of colorful opinions on this topic:

Check out this recent post for a range of colorful opinions on this topic:

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I’m on the premed track and I was considering being either an EMT, CNA, PCA or a scribe but I don’t know which one is best.

I’ve heard mixed reviews for all of them but what are your thoughts?
There is no simple answer to which one of these options is best. If you mean simply for getting clinical experience, then they will all get the job done. The question becomes which one is best for YOU. There are pros and cons for all of these jobs, so you'll just have to do your research and decide which one is best for you.
I did EMS for 6 years. Wish I hadn’t. Beat up my body, ****ed my sleep schedule and was a really dangerous job. Learned a lot of life lessons but in hindsight don’t think it was worth the risk.

EDIT: Have friends who have literally been murdered on the job or have had severe concussions that caused MONTHS of disability pay. Not worth it for what they pay and how little experience an EMT actually gets. Being a paramedic is a totally different ballgame but still not worth it.
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