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15+ Year Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Sooo looks like we can apply to DO residencies soon. But does anyone know if we can edit our personal statement after submitting it for DO programs but before MD? Id like to change some things between applications but have no freakin clue whatnis editable after submitting to DO programs and before submitting to MD. Anyone?

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Heh, maybe if I had included something about mormons or merging MD with DO or some other trollish post I would have got some responses. Ahh well. Am truly surprised not one DO student out there has a similiar question about what can be edited after we submit ERAS. Ahh well.
In ERAS you can create a new PS, deselect your old PS and reassign the new PS to a program - in effect you can use multiple versions to customize your submissions.
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So I hear DO schools start sending out the invites in August? I was hoping take the boards on July 30th and then worry about the ERAS. Do I need to really hurry with my PS and stuff?
So I hear DO schools start sending out the invites in August? I was hoping take the boards on July 30th and then worry about the ERAS. Do I need to really hurry with my PS and stuff?

Probably not a HUGE deal if you wait until after your boards but the sooner the better. Most of the app is just your deconstructed CV and personal info. I would spend a little time each day putting together your PS.
Heh, maybe if I had included something about mormons or merging MD with DO or some other trollish post I would have got some responses. Ahh well. Am truly surprised not one DO student out there has a similiar question about what can be edited after we submit ERAS. Ahh well.

This is the DO forum! What do you expect! :laugh:
So can one submit their applications without the personal statement? Then send that to all the programs when its done? Perhaps thats foolish, idk.
In ERAS you can create a new PS, deselect your old PS and reassign the new PS to a program - in effect you can use multiple versions to customize your submissions.

Yes, you sure can. I actually had twenty different personal statements because I "customized" every one with at least something a little different that was related to that particular institution. It really takes very little time to do.