Expunged Misdemeanor DUI, do we think I'll get any IIs?

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2+ Year Member
Feb 11, 2021
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Of course, this is a convoluted question, but I'm curious if I can get into med school with a DUI from 5 years ago. Assuming my app is fine otherwise, I'm unsure if this will hurt my chances. I'm 29F, non trad, career-changing post-bacc student, URM.

It's been expunged, which means it will show on my record, but rather than saying "GUILTY" under DUI charge, it now says "NOT GUILTY".

I've found posts about DUIs, but none with this specific situation. Any help or insights is greatly appreciated!

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I got an A from a Texas school! My TMDSAS included full disclosure of my expunged misdemeanor, so thank you!
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