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5+ Year Member
Oct 13, 2016
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I am a scribe for a local hospital. I also am getting my EMT certificate this december. I will also be getting my CNA for another part time job. I volunteer at a hospital in my free time. I have been involved in different organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Adopt a Veteran, Adopt a Grandparent, Big Brothers Big Sisters, AMSA, Autsim Speaks U, Best Buddies, Alpha Phi Omega, Helping others Club. I would just like some feedback as to whether I am doing enough or if i'm doing too much.

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Too much. I'd be hesitant with an application like yours. It's far better to see commitment in one or two things. Otherwise, the only way to do that much is to half ass everything.
Too much. I'd be hesitant with an application like yours. It's far better to see commitment in one or two things. Otherwise, the only way to do that much is to half ass everything.

Yeah honestly I don't see this popping up often, but you have waaaaay too much stuff going on to actually be contributing anything meaningful to these things.

Here's a better idea: Pick one clinical experience activity, one non-clinical experience activity, and one club to be involved in.

E.g. Become an EMT since you've already committed to this (scribing was perfectly fine in the first place) for pay and clinical experience, volunteer at one non-medicine related thing consistently, and pick one club to be a part of.

I have no clue why you're getting a CNA on top of being an EMT. How many hours do you have in a day and do you have any social life? I don't mean that in an offensive way, but you also need to enjoy your undergrad while it's happening instead of stretching yourself over a million activities being neurotic about getting into med school.
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Less is more. This is a HUGE red flag on your application. I am not saying this is true, but your application screams "buffer." You need to narrow it down to only a few ECs and learn from that experience while still helping others by doing it.
Find a few things you enjoy and then run them through "could I talk about this in an essay/interview" screen. If you are involved in a ton of ECs then it's gonna be hard to express any depth of experience. Likewise the Lithuanian pastrami appreciation society isn't gonna give you a whole lot of bang for your buck. Once you have a few ECs that pass muster then I'd stick with them and try to resist the temptation to join just ""one more".

And I agree that your current ECs seem a little overboard. I had ~6 good cumulative ECs on my application and it has worked out well so far.