Extra Curriculars

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Feb 27, 2016
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I'm going to have between 200 and 300 hours of research by time I apply because I'm in my schools undègrad research program. No publications, but will do a presentation for senior assignment in May 2019.

I'm planning on starting volunteering next month and planned on having ~200 hours volunteering at the hospital and ~200 hours at a nursing home. And at least 30 hours shadowing 2 or 3 doctors.
I'm worried because I haven't participated in any clubs at my school at all. None of them were interesting to me and I didn't want to join just to put that on my resume. I've done pre-med club which out of 3 years I've been to 1 meeting and they literally do nothing.
Should I worry about the no club thing or not?
Applying 2019 after graduation right now my how is ~3.7. I don't know my science gpa off the top of my head and I'm taking the mcat in August.

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I'm going to have between 200 and 300 hours of research by time I apply because I'm in my schools undègrad research program. No publications, but will do a presentation for senior assignment in May 2019.

I'm planning on starting volunteering next month and planned on having ~200 hours volunteering at the hospital and ~200 hours at a nursing home. And at least 30 hours shadowing 2 or 3 doctors.
I'm worried because I haven't participated in any clubs at my school at all. None of them were interesting to me and I didn't want to join just to put that on my resume. I've done pre-med club which out of 3 years I've been to 1 meeting and they literally do nothing.
Should I worry about the no club thing or not?
Applying 2019 after graduation right now my how is ~3.7. I don't know my science gpa off the top of my head and I'm taking the mcat in August.
Don't worry about a lack of club involvement. Unless a college club leads to volunteer or leadership opportunities for you, involvement is unlikely to have any influence on your candidacy for med school.

Mentioning a special-interest club might be a vehicle for letting adcomms know you like mountain climbing or flying model airplanes, but you can do that without belonging to an organization.
Agree with Catalystik. It's not the club membership itself that matters, it's the opportunities it opens up. Adcoms want to know that you are pursuing your true passions/interests. Whatever vehicle you utilize to do so is irrelevant. PM me if you would like to talk further.