Failing Organic Chemistry?

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Oct 16, 2019
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So I'm currently in Orgo 1. I have failed the first two tests (56 and 55- the class avg was a 64 and 65). I have one test (each are worth 20%) and a final (35%) left with a 5% participation grade left as well. I dont know what to do. Should I drop or continue through? Do you think I could still pass? I know I can do so much better but i'm struggling to figure out what I am doing wrong when I feel as if I am studying adequately? Any tips for changing study habits or any adivce on what to do? Feeling really discouraged, but I would like to stick with it, but not ruin my gpa:/

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Since the class average was so low, is there not a chance you actually may have a B?

In any case, if you feel really poorly about your future in OChem this semester, I would just drop. A W isn’t the end of the world especially compared to a failing grade! But before you drop, I would try to stay in as long as possible and try to figure out what’s going wrong before dropping. Some reconnaissance yknow?
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Since the class average was so low, is there not a chance you actually may have a B?

Most schools that curve curve it so that the class average equals a B- or C+.

Drop the course now! The one "W" won't kill you.
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So I'm currently in Orgo 1. I have failed the first two tests (56 and 55- the class avg was a 64 and 65). I have one test (each are worth 20%) and a final (35%) left with a 5% participation grade left as well. I dont know what to do. Should I drop or continue through? Do you think I could still pass? I know I can do so much better but i'm struggling to figure out what I am doing wrong when I feel as if I am studying adequately? Any tips for changing study habits or any adivce on what to do? Feeling really discouraged, but I would like to stick with it, but not ruin my gpa:/
Talk with your professor and ask what about any curve and what's the highest grade you can get. Also, ask them for study tips. People got into medical schools with C in Orgo provided your overall GPA is good.
So I'm currently in Orgo 1. I have failed the first two tests (56 and 55- the class avg was a 64 and 65). I have one test (each are worth 20%) and a final (35%) left with a 5% participation grade left as well. I dont know what to do. Should I drop or continue through? Do you think I could still pass? I know I can do so much better but i'm struggling to figure out what I am doing wrong when I feel as if I am studying adequately? Any tips for changing study habits or any adivce on what to do? Feeling really discouraged, but I would like to stick with it, but not ruin my gpa:/
Whether you could pass of not is impossible to answer, as we don't know you. Only you know you.

My advice is to:
A) drop the class
B) fix your learning deficits (go see your school's learning or education center, for starters)
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Talk with your professor and ask what about any curve and what's the highest grade you can get. Also, ask them for study tips. People got into medical schools with C in Orgo provided your overall GPA is good.

Yes, you can get into medical school with a C but it is still blemish on your transcript. I'd rather have a single W on my transcript than a C because the W isn't factored into your GPA.
For what it's worth, we had the same averages in orgo II after a quarter of the class dropped it and on exams I got a 50 something, then two low-mid 70 somethings and still ended up with a C+. Maybe talk to your professor to see what your outlook is?
I personally was willing to take the L because I had no other C's and knew I couldn't handle going through orgo again, but it was still a big hit to my sGPA so after that I had no choice but to get all A's. Which was itself stressful but still, for me, much more doable than doing well in organic lol. It depends on you, definitely consider all of your options and talk to your prof
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