Fall Research Lab

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May 10, 2020
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Due to COVID-19, almost all of the labs on my campus are not hiring any new undergrads nor are they allowing students to come to lab in-person. I was originally planning on applying to a lab this month so I can conduct research with them for the school year but it seems like that will not be happening anytime soon. I feel really stressed about this because I will not be able to conduct research for at least a semester and am also worried about how this will affect my application in the future. Is anyone else on the same boat as me? I'm not sure what kinds of restrictions other schools have. Also, if you guys are out of a lab for this semester because of COVID-19 restrictions, what are you guys planning on doing (what kinds of extracurriculars, volunteering, etc.)? Thanks

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A) Research is overrated
B) There's no sense in stressing over something you can't control
C) If you are really interested in research, you can always do a gap year
D) Use the opportunity to bulk up other ECs
E) Your health is more important than your med school app.
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