Family Medicine Rotation - SOAP Note Template

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10+ Year Member
Apr 18, 2012
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After clinic today I really felt the need to have some sort of way to record my notes so I created a pretty sweet clipboard & SOAP template setup which I would like to share with you. You can see my template on the clipboard in the pictures I have included on the website: More importantly I have included the template as a download. Now the super cool thing about this template is your can fit it in your white coat pocket on a reduced size clipboard (officemax ~$2). I have also included a short youtube video on (1) the outline of the template (2) how to edit it for your own use.

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Looks nice

Is there a way we can download it without having to go through the google docs stuff?
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haven't posted in years, but had to say... wow freaking awesome thanks man!
Added a template for 5x8 (OfficeMax) index cards. I was sick of cutting paper in half. Also added colonoscopy and mammograms.
Added a newer one (I used the old one last year and it was good... but needed some work). Check the above link.