Family Physician looking for Uegrnt Care / Fast Track / other work in the ER

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15+ Year Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Hey folks

I would like to work in the Fast Track in the ER, love working with other colleagues (one reason I want to work in the ER rather than urgent care on my own), also want to see higher acuity patients and have the ER Doc's in case I can want to consult them (level 3 patients like headaches, abdo pain, chest pain etc )

It is hard to find these jobs in databases (practice match etc), I have looked under jobs for Family Docs and ER physicians and I only got 1 hit that was out of date for the state of California and MD. I know these jobs exist but they are rare, I met a few FP's who have are or doing these jobs ...

Appreciate advice / Personal Experience on most efficient way to find these positions ....

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I am boarded in EM and so I don't have personal experience with your situation. However, from what I hear, contacting any of the locum companies would be your best bet for getting started. In which part of the US would you like to work?
There are a lot of options out there to work ER as a Family Medicine doc. Ultimately, it seems like what you're looking for is the ER experience with back up. Most ERs aren't going to want to pay you to be there if you need back up. That's why they hire PAs. Why pay you a physicians salary if you want to fill the role they give to PAs. I understand you would be doing more than the PAs and they would be billing differently, but from the hospital admin side, what incentive do they have to hire you. My advice is to jump in and just start doing ER work. If you have areas you need to work on to feel comfortable doing that, then do some reading, go to courses ,etc. Many of the ERs that are willing to hiring FM for the ER are more remote and often single physician coverage with the possibility of a PA (obviously this is location dependent). If you want an ER with multiple physicians covering, just look for the slightly larger ERs (15-30,000 patients per year). Usually ERs that do more than that are larger hospitals that rarely accept FM docs in the ER. Search under the ER listings and just look for the ones that mention is FM is okay (with ACLS, PALS, ATLS). Many of the ERs want you to have ER experience, but if they are short enough, they will hire you even if you don't have the experience they want (that's how I got started doing some ER work). After you get that first job, now you have experience and now it's that much easier to get the next job. In my area, urgent care is $100-125/hr. ER is $190-250/hr. It's worth taking the plunge and finding a way to get good at EM and find the job that works for you.
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My advice is to jump in and just start doing ER work.

That is terrible advice.

This doc is looking to evaluate "level 3 patients" and have an ER doc to consult.

Clearly s/he is not prepared to "jump in" and "just start doing ER work", which may include a hypotensive Afib RVR patient with a history of WPW and a 10 month old in refractory status requiring emergent intubation on day one. "Some reading" and a few merit badges ain't going to help.

I would like to work in the Fast Track in the ER...also want to see higher acuity patients and have the ER Doc's in case I can want to consult them...It is hard to find these jobs in databases

Maybe there's a reason...
I am boarded in EM and so I don't have personal experience with your situation. However, from what I hear, contacting any of the locum companies would be your best bet for getting started. In which part of the US would you like to work?
I second this. Locums companies are networked across the country. I would suggest you deal with 1-2 companies to maximize your search area but keeping your paperwork minimal.
Hey folks

I would like to work in the Fast Track in the ER, love working with other colleagues (one reason I want to work in the ER rather than urgent care on my own), also want to see higher acuity patients and have the ER Doc's in case I can want to consult them (level 3 patients like headaches, abdo pain, chest pain etc )

It is hard to find these jobs in databases (practice match etc), I have looked under jobs for Family Docs and ER physicians and I only got 1 hit that was out of date for the state of California and MD. I know these jobs exist but they are rare, I met a few FP's who have are or doing these jobs ...

Appreciate advice / Personal Experience on most efficient way to find these positions ....
Call Breck Lewis @ comphealth 801-930-3887