Feeling utterly hopeless...

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Oct 15, 2009
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I am asking here because I am a non-trad, I did an informal post-bac program and do not have access to any pre-med advisors. All of my information I get from my own personal research and forums such as this.

I have a bachelor's degree in psychology with a mediocre GPA (3.2). I enrolled in an informal post-bac program shortly thereafter in order to apply to medical school. I got myself together, worked hard, and obtained a 3.9 there. So my cGPA is now a 3.3 and sGPa is 3.5

I self-studied for the mcat last year and scored 9PS/8VR/9BS (26), I was not happy with this and started studied seriously (took Kaplan), scoring 31 and 30 on AAMC 10 & 11 on practice tests. However I just got my new mcat scores a couple days ago: 8PS/8VR/10BS(26). I am beyond disappointed. I was extremely nervous during the exam and I don't know if this played some role. I feel like getting the same score just confirms my stupidity.

I have already submitted AMCAS and AACOMAS early. But I don't know what on Earth to do.
I'm too depressed to even get out of bed.

I have +400 clinical/nonclinical volunteering and have shadowed both DO and MD.

I really don't know who to talk to or where to get any feedback on my situation other than those who read this. I truly appreciate any insight or comments you have.

So, should I take the MCAT a third time? I feel emotionally burntout to put so much time and effort into the retake only to get the SAME score. Seriously worst day of my life.

Give up? I am 26, almost 27 now, and I have put so many years on hold. I can't hold out anymore.

Please, anything helps, I feel so lost and hopeless right now.

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I hardly ever comment on this forum, but I felt the need to respond to this.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and take some time out to relax! I'm 26 as well, and this will be my thrid time applying. All my stats are lower than yours, but I refuse to let that stop me from pursuing my dreams.

You say you already submitted, so the best thing to do is just take the time to start on your secondaries and get ready for possible interviews. Remember, the MCAT is only one aspect of your application, and the score doesn't define your whole being.

I'll end my rant now. It really just sounds that you're burnt out and need to take a vacation of some sort to get your mind right.
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I am asking here because I am a non-trad, I did an informal post-bac program and do not have access to any pre-med advisors. All of my information I get from my own personal research and forums such as this.

I have a bachelor's degree in psychology with a mediocre GPA (3.2). I enrolled in an informal post-bac program shortly thereafter in order to apply to medical school. I got myself together, worked hard, and obtained a 3.9 there. So my cGPA is now a 3.3 and sGPa is 3.5

I self-studied for the mcat last year and scored 9PS/8VR/9BS (26), I was not happy with this and started studied seriously (took Kaplan), scoring 31 and 30 on AAMC 10 & 11 on practice tests. However I just got my new mcat scores a couple days ago: 8PS/8VR/10BS(26). I am beyond disappointed. I was extremely nervous during the exam and I don't know if this played some role. I feel like getting the same score just confirms my stupidity.

I have already submitted AMCAS and AACOMAS early. But I don't know what on Earth to do.
I'm too depressed to even get out of bed.

I have +400 clinical/nonclinical volunteering and have shadowed both DO and MD.

I really don't know who to talk to or where to get any feedback on my situation other than those who read this. I truly appreciate any insight or comments you have.

So, should I take the MCAT a third time? I feel emotionally burntout to put so much time and effort into the retake only to get the SAME score. Seriously worst day of my life.

Give up? I am 26, almost 27 now, and I have put so many years on hold. I can't hold out anymore.

Please, anything helps, I feel so lost and hopeless right now.

You are a reasonably competitive DO applicant.....go ahead and apply, in the meantime maybe retake your lowest couple grades at a local community college in case this year doesn't work out so you'll have a head start on next year. Don't waste your money on MD
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I know how you feel. I am a reapplicant, and I felt destroyed after last year's cycle. Take some time to evaluate yourself.

I personally decided to take the MCAT for a third time. I haven't got the score back from my third retry, but my averages were higher and I felt confident that my knowledge level was better, HOWEVER, like you I felt nervous during the entire test. I had a moment of panic during the BS section. That is one aspect of the MCAT that no amount of practicing can prepare you for.

One thing I have learned about retaking the MCAT is that if you are going to retake for a third time, you need to start studying now, and give it a good effort every single day for at least 9 months (I am not saying 12 hours/day, but at least 1 - 3). If you do that, then by Jan. next year you are going to be looking back at where you were when you took the MCAT this time and realize just how much you have improved over that time period. For me it was a lifesaver to have that in the back of my mind when I started to panic during the test.

I hope this will help you.
You sound like a very sweet, super burned out young person ;)

This is my advice to you...take some time for yourself. If you apply at 28, 29, 30, you'll get there in enough speed and longevity left before you get your cheap meal at IHOP or Denny's. I bet you're not getting solicitations from AARP yet :laugh:

Joy comes in the morning...take your time, write a list of all that you need to do, no matter how long that list is. Then start doing it. Or...cross things off that sound goofy or you've done already (wash the dog, finish your chapter, get those nails done). Then...look at what you have done, which to me, sounds like a real lot!! Apply, see what happens. When you get in...AWESOME!! Then make your next list (wash the dog, finish your chapter, get those nails done) :oops:

You'll get there...way before AARP has you on their solicitation list...:thumbup:
Very simple. Concentrate on DO programs, where you are highly competetive. Your MCAT scores render you non-competitive for MD schools. Re-take is not recommended, as it looks like you've hit your plateau, and I don't think things are magically going to go up to the 30 line (which is still below avg for most MD schools.

So quit fussing and start applying!

I am asking here because I am a non-trad, I did an informal post-bac program and do not have access to any pre-med advisors. All of my information I get from my own personal research and forums such as this.

I have a bachelor's degree in psychology with a mediocre GPA (3.2). I enrolled in an informal post-bac program shortly thereafter in order to apply to medical school. I got myself together, worked hard, and obtained a 3.9 there. So my cGPA is now a 3.3 and sGPa is 3.5

I self-studied for the mcat last year and scored 9PS/8VR/9BS (26), I was not happy with this and started studied seriously (took Kaplan), scoring 31 and 30 on AAMC 10 & 11 on practice tests. However I just got my new mcat scores a couple days ago: 8PS/8VR/10BS(26). I am beyond disappointed. I was extremely nervous during the exam and I don't know if this played some role. I feel like getting the same score just confirms my stupidity.

I have already submitted AMCAS and AACOMAS early. But I don't know what on Earth to do.
I'm too depressed to even get out of bed.

I have +400 clinical/nonclinical volunteering and have shadowed both DO and MD.

I really don't know who to talk to or where to get any feedback on my situation other than those who read this. I truly appreciate any insight or comments you have.

So, should I take the MCAT a third time? I feel emotionally burntout to put so much time and effort into the retake only to get the SAME score. Seriously worst day of my life.

Give up? I am 26, almost 27 now, and I have put so many years on hold. I can't hold out anymore.

Please, anything helps, I feel so lost and hopeless right now.
If it's what you really want to do then you will do it.

I'm 32 and applying this year so you still have some years left before you reach my old age :)
I'm not sure about taking the MCAT again, unless you are absolutely honest w/ yourself and can say your test anxiety ruined you by a lot. Which does NOT mean a lot. Because the Board exams are worse and I don't know a single med student who had a shred of confidence walking into the Prometric to take that. We ALL get nervous for that. Taking the MCAT a 3rd time, and scoring the same +/- 2 or 3 pts, will only validate the "reliability" of the MCAT on your app. There's some lenience if you show a decent trend, or can qualify a low MCAT w/ something like, "Oh I didn't finish Orgo 2 when I took it"

Beyond that, there's also reality of introspection. Ask yourself why a physician specifically. What about it VERY SPECIFICALLY makes it the ONLY way? Why not PA school? Nursing?? You need answers to these questions anyways because in the ideal situation, it is probably the most universal med school interview question asked. And s***ty answers don't help. I'm sure many of us who interviewed at multiple med schools all can say we were asked that question EVERY time.

W/o talking about the usefulness of the MCAT, understand that it is a sliver of how intense med school is, so it speaks to your prospects as a med student. Not just you, everyone! And let me say, now that I'm done w/ basic sciences, being that by practical and numeric measures I am equal to my classmates, we ALL struggle at some point during basic sciences. So nevermind your neighbors best friends cousins barbers son got a 28 on the MCAT but got into med school. Guess what, he had difficulties in TWO YEARS of basic sciences. It's unrelenting. It's NOT easy.

Just be honest w/ yourself. Not just you, anyone applying. Medicine isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's hardly ideal. It's not like we all live our unfathomable dreams like getting into med school is like becoming an NBA basketball player. In the same thought, there ARE D-league players. There are semi-pro's. There are people who were really talented w/ natural and gained abilities who just didn't make it into the NBA. Same w/ med school.

Good luck!!!
MFs you think you feel hopeless now, wait till/if you actually get in and start M1. Swear the adcom made a paperwork mistake or something.
MFs you think you feel hopeless now, wait till/if you actually get in and start M1. Swear the adcom made a paperwork mistake or something.
Considering this was posted 5 years ago, this person might be a practicing physician by now. You resurrected a dead thread.
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Lol I was so confused when the OP said they got their score a few days ago and it was on the old MCAT scale 0.o

How do people even find threads this old to resurrect?
MFs you think you feel hopeless now, wait till/if you actually get in and start M1. Swear the adcom made a paperwork mistake or something.

The imposter syndrome is real.
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MFs you think you feel hopeless now, wait till/if you actually get in and start M1. Swear the adcom made a paperwork mistake or something.

You bumped a 5 year old thread to call us all motherfvckers and tell us the hopelessness of getting admitted to med school as a new first year? Well-done.
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You bumped a 5 year old thread to call us all motherfvckers and tell us the hopelessness of getting admitted to med school as a new first year? Well-done.

Nooo, just to tell you the feeling of hopelessness just gets moar if you actually get in.
Nooo, just to tell you the feeling of hopelessness just gets moar if you actually get in.

Good to know. I’ll keep this in mind when I go back for my second MD.