FlexMed 2024

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Jan 15, 2024
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I am a sophomore in college, already in 7 years BSDO program and have just applied to FlexMed program. Anyone on this forum applied or applying as deadline to submit app is tomorrow? Based on past threads interview invites would go around March so crossing my fingers.

I am on track to complete my BS in 3 years by May 2025 so planning to start at ICahn SOM if admitted right away. Good luck to everyone who applied and are applying!

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Congrats of being accepted to med school already! why are you interested in leaving the BS/DO program for Sinai?
Applications for Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai through the Flexmed program were due Tuesday, January 16th. Thought I would create this thread on here so we can all update as we hear back! There is a GroupMe, but it is pretty inactive, and I think having this here would be helpful

Previous threads:
2014: FlexMed 2014
2015: FlexMed 2015
2016: FlexMed 2016
2017: FlexMed 2017
2018: FlexMed 2018
2019: FlexMed 2019
2020: FlexMed 2020
2021: FlexMed 2021
2022: FlexMed 2022
2023: no thread
2024: right here babes!

What's everyone's guess for when first round of IIs drop? Do they all drop together or are they on different days?
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II invites
2021 - February 25th, around 3:00 PM CST
2022 - March 2nd, around 10:25 AM CST
2023 - February 24th, around 9:30 CST

2021 - June 28th, around 1:40 PM CST
2022 - June 30th around 1:15 PM CST
2023 - June 27th around 2:30 PM CST

found this through some sleuthing! looks like we have approx a month <3
I am a sophomore in college, already in 7 years BSDO program and have just applied to FlexMed program. Anyone on this forum applied or applying as deadline to submit app is tomorrow? Based on past threads interview invites would go around March so crossing my fingers.

I am on track to complete my BS in 3 years by May 2025 so planning to start at ICahn SOM if admitted right away. Good luck to everyone who applied and are applying!
Don't you have report to FlexMed if you are already in a guaranteed program? I thought you can't apply if you are?
Don't you have report to FlexMed if you are already in a guaranteed program? I thought you can't apply if you are?
Not true about that you cant apply. Where did you get that information from? Flexmed knows as there is a question about current enrollment in any accelerated program in the application and you answer yes and explain. I am currently in 3+4 BS/DO at NSU and my program is non-binding. I already know someone who was in the same 3+4 program at NSU and currently in the flexmed prog.
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Based on previous year’s interview invites I was hoping for one today. But I guess it will be now on next Friday, March 1st.
Not true about that you cant apply. Where did you get that information from? Flexmed knows as there is a question about current enrollment in any accelerated program in the application and you answer yes and explain. I am currently in 3+4 BS/DO at NSU and my program is non-binding. I already know someone who was in the same 3+4 program at NSU and currently in the flexmed prog.
I must've misunderstood their rules about students in existing programs, good luck to you!
Based on previous year’s interview invites I was hoping for one today. But I guess it will be now on next Friday, March 1st.
hmm doesn't seem like theres a pattern
2021 - thursday -> 2022 - wednesday -> 2023 - friday
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god im going a little crazy waiting for something to come out...I just want to know what the status of my application is at this point ahhhh
Anyone get interview invite or rejection yet? Heard a wave is being sent out!
any updates? acceptances should come out soon, if they haven't already, right?
They came out monday. I got rejected (post-II). Onto the MCAT!!