For GPA purposes only (3.0), should I do DIY or Post-Bacc Program?

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Pondering non-trad...
2+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2022
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Ignoring other factors, does it matter which route I take with consideration to raising GPA only?

I'm assuming that both should be the same, but I've heard otherwise (a structured PB program might look better).

My undergrad GPA is 3.0, majored in one of the humanities. Took 2 science classes 1st semester freshman year and failed both, so my science GPA is abysmal. Never took a science course after that.

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In the end I don't think it will matter much. It might help to do something a bit more structured though. I suppose there could be some who like the look of a more structured approach on an app, but in the end the goal is to have all the pre-reqs down on paper and knock them out of the park in terms of grades and learning the material.
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You need a Masters where you get a 4.0
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oof, You're right
OP needs to take those first and ace it.
Ignoring other factors, does it matter which route I take with consideration to raising GPA only?

I'm assuming that both should be the same, but I've heard otherwise (a structured PB program might look better).

My undergrad GPA is 3.0, majored in one of the humanities. Took 2 science classes 1st semester freshman year and failed both, so my science GPA is abysmal. Never took a science course after that.
Never mind what looks better. That's a pre-med delusion.

What looks better is you doing well.

PB programs are for career changers. You get structure and advising. Ideally, you may get MCAT prep and linkage to some med schools.

BUT, they're more expensive, and some have GPA cut-offs.

If cash is an issue, a DIY post-bac is fine.

You pick.
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