For those of us waiting for Oct. 15

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Literally came on SDN at midnight just to check this thread.

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It looks like Michigan and Ohio State have started sending out acceptances. It has begun!
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Only waiting for one single school.... ;)
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It looks like Michigan and Ohio State have started sending out acceptances. It has begun!

Are there admissions people working at midnight, like little elves and Santa on the night of Christmas Eve? I can't imagine adcoms sitting at the computer waiting until midnight of the 15th to send out acceptances!
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Are there admissions people working at midnight, like little elves and Santa on the night of Christmas Eve? I can't imagine adcoms sitting at the computer waiting until midnight of the 15th to send out acceptances!
At Ohio State, they are actually calling people at midnight.
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ACCEPTED! This is so exciting! I'm on a greyhound bus while everyone is asleep trying to contain my screams! Thank you Jesus! Good luck you guys :)
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The AAMC traffic rules are more like...guidelines...than actual law. :p

LOL I know its not actual "law". I just thought they could get like, idk, "yelled at" by the aamc or something.
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Ahhh no word yet, was hoping there'd be an email when I woke up in the morning so I wouldn't have to suffer all day long.
I'm having a tiny heart attack every time my phone makes a noise. Good luck everyone!
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Heard good news from GW this morning! Email was sent at 7:30AM, but I didn't see it until on the elevator at work. Congratulations was in the subject line and I think they heard my elation on every floor of my building. Then I checked the offer letter to make sure they hadn't made a mistake.
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I could hardly sleep last night, and this morning in bed, I checked my email every 15 minutes. I probably won't even hear anything today. Congrats to all the acceptances in this thread so far, though!
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Accepted to my state school!! Good day it is! :)
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Got an acceptance!!! Sending my good wishes to all waiting to hear!
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I hate this even more now.

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My schools really want to take their time today... I'm fine. This is fine. I'm not anxious or anything :sick:
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Accepted to MCW! Reapp from two years ago, feels good man. Hoping for the best for everyone else, y'all gonna rock it :)
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So I got a call from a number I didn't recognize today that I missed. Google has no idea who it is, no message, no answer when I call back and no voicemail set up.

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Ok... so SUNY Buffalo gave me an acceptance today, on Oct. 14th. Isn't that illegal or something?

LOL back in my day i would have loved to be able to complain about getting accepted too early :laugh:
So I got a call from a number I didn't recognize today that I missed. Google has no idea who it is, no message, no answer when I call back and no voicemail set up.

Google the area code and see if it's in the same ballpark as any of your schools.
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2nd that ^^ I did that for a call I missed from UCF (not an acceptance )
Dying to know the results... the suspense is absolutely thrilling.
October 15 should be national over the counter Xanax day... You get a Xanax.. You get a Xanax ... Everyone gets a Xanax (Oprah voice).
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Was in the midst of studying for a Cell Bio test when I got my email. Read it, said **** THAT **** LOL NOPE and then slammed my textbook shut.

I don't plan on slacking off the entire semester, but today, I'll allow it.
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Getting a Second Look tab on the portal is promising, right?
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Two deferred/continued statuses :|
Not a fan of today.
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Got deferred today from my one Oct 15 school as well. Would be lying if I said I didn't feel awful but sulking will get me nowhere. Gotta take advantage of the opportunities that I have!

Congrats to everyone who has received acceptances! To anyone who has been deferred or rejected - it's still 9-10 months before matriculation. Lots of time left for us to prove ourselves!
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LOL back in my day i would have loved to be able to complain about getting accepted too early :laugh:
heyyy I was thrilled not complaining. I just didn't know they could do that. Sorry if that came off as cocky or something. I didn't mean it to be. :(
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accepted. so blessed.
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LOL I know its not actual "law". I just thought they could get like, idk, "yelled at" by the aamc or something.
'tis a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean, did not mean to imply that you actually thought it was a binding law. Just seemed a fitting line!
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heyyy I was thrilled not complaining. I just didn't know they could do that. Sorry if that came off as cocky or something. I didn't mean it to be. :(

hahah no worries, i knew you weren't complaining, i was just joking that that is a nice "problem" to have!
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Make sense actually. I think my anxiety wasn't as much before the MCAT but my anxiety to check my MCAT scores was definitely higher than it is now. Because I do have II's at a couple other schools and there's also not a set time that I know to expect when to hear back tomorrow.

I think checking my MCAT score ranks as the most anxious moment in my life..
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ACCEPTED! This is so exciting! I'm on a greyhound bus while everyone is asleep trying to contain my screams! Thank you Jesus! Good luck you guys :)

OMG! Congrats, Premeditated!!! You did it! Now you can relax until classes next fall
I'm slowly dying inside waiting in's worse than checking your MCAT scores

I keep looking at my phone thinking it's vibrating...I think I'm going crazy guys.
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Honestly had no response to the admissions office. Feels absolutely unreal.
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I got it, med schools. You want to teach me how to be patient. Now, give me some news!!!
Accepted!!! I wasn't even expecting to hear from anyone today! Wow I think it's going to take a while to process this.
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No acceptance today :(
At least it was not a post-interview rejection...
Accepted!!! I wasn't even expecting to hear from anyone today! Wow I think it's going to take a while to process this.
Grats! I remember when you were worrying about taking the MCAT. Where did you get in?