Forgot AMCAS future courses

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10+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2013
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Hey guys!
So I submitted my amcas on the day it opened, and I'm told it's processed and made available to Medical Schools!
When I input all of my classes and sent in my official transcripts, I hadn't scheduled my classes for autumn 2014 (which will be my last quarter as an undergrad). Therefore, on my amcas, I had only put in the courses I was currently taking.
Will this be a problem? I only have three classes left, and none of them are med school pre-reqs; just three biology classes I need to finish for my degree.
If it is a problem, what should/can I do? I was thinking maybe just mention the last three in the secondaries?

Thanks for the help!

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Hey guys!
So I submitted my amcas on the day it opened, and I'm told it's processed and made available to Medical Schools!
When I input all of my classes and sent in my official transcripts, I hadn't scheduled my classes for autumn 2014 (which will be my last quarter as an undergrad). Therefore, on my amcas, I had only put in the courses I was currently taking.
Will this be a problem? I only have three classes left, and none of them are med school pre-reqs; just three biology classes I need to finish for my degree.
If it is a problem, what should/can I do? I was thinking maybe just mention the last three in the secondaries?

Thanks for the help!

No not a problem.

Yes mention them in secondaries if given space. If not, use update letter to update with grades after autumn 2014.