I've seen a lot of threads on FSU vs. USF however, I think my situation is kind of different than most. I just recently finished my first year at USF and I got a 4.0 (bio med). However, I really didn't enjoy my experience at all (socially. academically, USF was great.). USF is too close to my house (about 45 min) and I didn't get the social experience I wanted. It felt like I was still in high school. I got pretty involved through extra curricula's (tons of volunteering, honor societies, founding a club, etc), but it still hasn't felt right. I've questioned if I even want to go into medicine. Now, I'm technically supposed to be transferring to florida state next semester, but I have doubts. I know sophomore year because of orgo is the weed out year and I don't know if it would be wiser to try and stick it out for one more year at USF and then if I still want to transfer go to FSU. Both of my parents are doctors and my brother is in med school (mom and brother are USF undergrad alum) so there has been a bit of a push for me to go. I do enjoy medicine and I know I would be happy being a doctor, I'm just not completely sure if it's the path I want to take. So I guess my question is... would it be completely insane of me to transfer to FSU from USF given the success I've had? How are the classes at FSU? I don't want to ruin my future, but at the same time I want to have a good college experience. Please help.