Going to be a cougar in med school. Roar!

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And no one should judge you for that :) I'm so thankful for my son as unplanned as he was... he's my light and my world; unless he's coming home at 1 AM, shoving doors shut, opening the fridge door, and waking me up.

Then... I don't like him much :mad:

I hear that.

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I mean it's true. I won't lie. It's a lot at times. There are days you turn around and say, "What was I thinking?" But you get over it--mostly that's at certain aspects of the teen phase. It can get to be a purely love/hate relationship at times during that phase. Like, "I love you, but I don't like you right now." LOL No worries, cuz they say the same thing, then come back and give you a hug...and then ask for money or something. LOL

I think there are more and more people anymore that are just opting out of parenthood altogether. Depends on the person I guess.

That's cool. People tell me all the time how great kids are and how my mind would just chaaaaaaaange if I haaaaaaaaaaaad one.

I still have no interest in them. Sorry nature, my biological clock is broke. :D
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So back to cougarville, we go ... possibly NSFW but funny ... if not SFW, please let me know I'll be a buzz kill winner too :D

LOL. I have to be honest. That youtube video was so creepy. LOL
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That's cool. People tell me all the time how great kids are and how my mind would just chaaaaaaaange if I haaaaaaaaaaaad one.

I still have no interest in them. Sorry nature, my biological clock is broke. :D

Seriously, kitties and puppies are easier, and usually less likely to pizz you off. :D

Love my kids. Worked hard to get them, but I'd be lying if I said it's as easy as having a puppy or puppies or kitties. I can't remember the last time a puppy or kitty wrecked my new car. ;)
Seriously, kitties and puppies are easier, and usually less likely to pizz you off. :D

Love my kids. Worked hard to get them, but I'd be lying if I said it's as easy as having a puppy or puppies or kitties. I can't remember the last time a puppy or kitty wrecked my new car. ;)

Your kids don't bring you headless small animals though.

...or do they?
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Great thread.
Hey Nas! Good seeing you around these parts, need to holler at you soon. Good thoughts. But you're wrong about one thing. Dead wrong. This is actually a very silly thread.
This is actually a very silly thread.

Thank God for that!! Because buzz killing comes easily enough with MCAT, classes, neuroticism, and life.

Or ... you know REALLY helpful things like this:

@Nasrudin long time no see.

FYI, I just turned 33 last Tuesday and I have nooo interest what so ever in my ovary stock. ;)

I'm with you on the creative pursuits though. Instead of a man cave, I want a metal sculpture shop. And everyone looks at me like I'm nuts, the weird girl who does blacksmithing and welding. But I love it, so so what?!

(Although I did have one friend say that if I become a doctor I'll be one of the most valuable assests in a zombie apocalypse because I'll know how to treat sick and injured people, make my own tools and weapons, and fix things :p)
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@wholeheartedly - buzz kill... this was a fun, VERY silly, ROFL type thread but ya'll are making it like ... serious :( why so serious?!?!?!?!?! No doubt the other buzz killers will join in soon


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@Nasrudin long time no see.

FYI, I just turned 33 last Tuesday and I have nooo interest what so ever in my ovary stock. ;)

I'm with you on the creative pursuits though. Instead of a man cave, I want a metal sculpture shop. And everyone looks at me like I'm nuts, the weird girl who does blacksmithing and welding. But I love it, so so what?!

(Although I did have one friend say that if I become a doctor I'll be one of the most valuable assests in a zombie apocalypse because I'll know how to treat sick and injured people, make my own tools and weapons, and fix things :p)

Among like a zillion other things I miss about my dad not being around is the very cool, artistic stuff he would weld. Miss all of his genius so much. Wish he had taught me how to weld.

Very cool WH! You never know. You might meet up w/ another fellow welder, and well, SPARKS could fly! :biglove::D
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"What is better? One Baa or two?

How about three Baaaers???? I'm mean if you use the British Accent.

Now talk about something that has stuck around for almost 200 years...the story, not the song.

"The story was first recorded in narrative form by British writer and poet Robert Southey, and first published anonymously in 1837 in a volume of his writings called The Doctor."
You guys, this thread has zero chill.

ImageUploadedBySDN Mobile1445964137.006683.jpg
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This is what chill looks like:

PS. Best after first achieving the John Goodman recommended status::D

Anyone who does anything outside the ordinary is going to catch some flack for it from people who can't conceive of another way of looking at things.

I'm going to be retired at age 43, and a big, John Goodman-inspired F-U to anyone who doesn't like it. (Note: video not safe for kids or work; take out the space between h ttps if you want to view it.)

h ttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xdfeXqHFmPI]
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Wait, what? How does me hitting on Nas, talking about being a weirdo doing what I love, and being an assest for a zombie apocalypse equal being a buzzkill?
You can't hit on him in here. He is too old for the cougar thread. You need cubs, young young cubs
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So, why is there no dating subforum on SDN btw? There's so so much lost potential for great matches lol
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So, why is there no dating subforum on SDN btw? There's so so much lost potential for great matches lol

I'm like :corny: waiting for Q's or WH's response/s. Things that make you go>:thinking:
I'm like :corny: waiting for Q's or WH's response/s. Things that make you go>:thinking:
Most of us are done with dating.
The rest is just drama.

Sexy drama.
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I'm like :corny: waiting for Q's or WH's response/s. Things that make you go>:thinking:

Oh gawd, can you imagine the extra drama in pre-allo? I'm envisioning a reverse "Idiocracy" with over-selection for high strung neurosis....:scared:

Seriously though @QofQuimica has said she knows of couples who met on SDN.
^ Haha! But it would be so much better than Tinder and the like. Too many good people in my med school have resorted to such randomness, when all could be solved by sdn with all the great like minds and talent floating around here :wink:
As far as I'm concerned, if they're still using Tinder they've already sorted themselves out of my gene pool.
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I'm 29 and I thought I would be one of the oldest in my class. Not close, though I still get teased by a couple of the teeny-boppers that came straight from undergrad, but most of the folks I run into tend to be in my range or older.
I don't need kids. I love cats. That's all I'm saying. There's always e-harmony if cradle-robbing MS1s doesn't work.

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.......how the heck did I end up in here?
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Dating for premeds in app cycles taking the MCAT

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It took me a minute to figure out what those even were. Haven't seen one since I took the MCAT in 2012.
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It just hit me. I'll most likely be in med school with peers ten years my junior when I finally matriculate. I might even be older than that if I don't get in the first merry-go-round.

I don't have a boyfriend, I don't have kids, and I don't foresee that changing any time soon.

I'm not the type to go to college to pursue a hubby, otherwise I'd have my MRS by now, but I can't say I've dated younger men before (and had meaningful relationships).

So, Cougartown it is, I guess, unless I go D.O. Or become that crazy single cat lady doctor.

Any other single old folks out there? I'm in my early 30s, but apparently that's geriatric in med school years, so I'm posting here.
Yes! I'll be in my 30s when I matriculate. People mistake me for much younger though.
I was shadowing a doc not too long ago at a teaching hospital. One of the M4 students kept hit....er, was especially interested in talking to me. The doc even had me waiting alone in a room away from all the other students/residents/attendings and he still casually strolled by to strike up the convo with me again :rolleyes:. He was trying to figure out how far along I was on my premed track (aka how old I was) and I tried to give him a clue that I was older without exposing that I was a super old nontrad (I try to keep it under the radar :oops:). Anyways, he was like "oh I changed to premed late too! my senior year". I just wanted to be like, "BRO, I'm too old for you!!!" lolol

I wasn't interested in dating in undergrad, wanted to focus on other things. Oops. Never thought I'd be open to dating someone younger but my tune has changed! I don't plan on dating my fellow med students though. Maybe an older resident. ;)
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I don't need kids. I love cats. That's all I'm saying. There's always e-harmony if cradle-robbing MS1s doesn't work.

LOL! Yeah, my mom just texted me an hour ago telling me that I should join match.com. She saw the commercial - it's free. Maybe I'll "get lucky". :smack:
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Seriously though @QofQuimica has said she knows of couples who met on SDN.
Offhand I can think of two SDN couples whom I've met in person, and I know of multiple others. It's actually not all that uncommon for people who spend a lot of time on SDN and who meet their SDN buddies to end up in relationships. I have not dated anyone I've met on SDN myself, but hey, they don't call it the Student Dating Network for nothing. ;)
Is there a SDN dating thread?! LOL. I don't think I want to be unmasked in person. But it is rather interesting to consider. There are some people who I'd probably consider murdering in person and others I'd probably jump in a mating frenzy given the nature of their posts.

But of course, this is the internet. We are not what we may seem...

Is there an SDN meetup?