Good Noncats For OMFS

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Mar 26, 2023
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I'm in the same boat. I've spent a while researching:
what programs take their own non-cats
what programs don't just use them as free labor
rate of matching from after non-cat

but I have yet to find much information on the matter. Best I can learn is through word of mouth
I think there is another thread on this info....pretty recent too.
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I'm in the same boat. I've spent a while researching:
what programs take their own non-cats
what programs don't just use them as free labor
rate of matching from after non-cat

but I have yet to find much information on the matter. Best I can learn is through word of mouth
I’m at Case.

We have a history of taking our own non-cats. Two recently have been our non-cats.

You run the dental clinic for us, so lots of dentoalveolar experience. Hospital call is light, I think they were doing 2-3 days a month last year.

My intern year, we matched 4/4 non-cats, the year after I think 3/4, the year after 1/2.

We don’t pay the same as the others, however, we give you a ton of time off to go study. We’ve given non-cats weeks off in the past before their exam. Ultimately, that makes the difference between matching and not matching - your CBSE score. So many non-cats go to busy programs and don’t have the chance to study and thus don’t end up matching sometimes.

So there are pros and cons, but worth considering us.