GPA scale

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7+ Year Member
Dec 3, 2015
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I was looking up how the AMCAS does grade conversion and I'm not sure which grading system type I'd follow. The AMCAS has grades with +/-, half-step (AB, BC, etc), and ones without any +/-. My university doesn't give out -, so the point scaling is off for the +/- category (making my gpa lower than what is reflected on my transcript).

The half-step scaling is the same as my university's scaling, but there's no such grades as AB or BC given in my university. Also I'm not exactly sure how to read the charts properly. In the half-step category, my school coincides perfectly with row 6, so even though my university doesn't give out half step grades, could I still use that when calculating my AMCAS gpa?

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Let me see if I understand this. Your school reports only whole letter grades but underneath uses half-steps or a point scale that is different from the letter grade? Does you transcript have an index/table on the bottom of back that indicates this? And if does, how do you know what the grade was for the class? Does the school report on the transcript quality points per class that shows this?
On an unrelated note:
Let me see if I understand this. Your school reports only whole letter grades but underneath uses half-steps or a point scale that is different from the letter grade? Does you transcript have an index/table on the bottom of back that indicates this? And if does, how do you know what the grade was for the class? Does the school report on the transcript quality points per class that shows this?

No, so my school only uses gives out, A, B+, B, C+, C, C-, D, and F, just not any - (besides the C-, but you have to repeat with a C-), but when calculated my gpa coincides with the half-step scaling. Basically on the transcript we're given a letter grade for each class, term and cumulative gpa, and term credits completed and cumulative credits completed. Quality points are not listed with every class, but cumulative quality points are listed at the end. I forgot to link it above but my university scaling is exactly like row 6 on the half-step scaling table (page 3).