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7+ Year Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hi all, I've worked for Kool Smiles for 3 years. I know Corporate can get a bad rap, however, There are some good companies out there, I've worked for Heartland and they are great too. Kool Smiles is a very ethical company, I've never been asked to do anything that would be considered unethical, nor have I ever been pressured, EVER, to treat someone differently than I would have naturally. They really do care about their patients and us as doctors.

I'm just throwing it out there, if anyone would like to get in touch with a recruiter, Kool Smiles is in dire need of GP's. They are in multiple states and they offer good benefits. If you're looking for a change or unhappy with your current job, e-mail me at jeffdmd84 at gmail and I'll get you in contact with a recruiter. Happy drilling!

Jeff Fenn DMD
UNLV 2014 Grad

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