GRE minimum score list by School

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New Member
Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Im looking to see if anyone has a list of all the schools sorted by their minimum GRE scores. Trying to see who I can apply to.

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I have a few listed. My GRE isn’t the best and it took me 3 times to get a 150V and 151Q 3.5W (have a better writing score from previous GRE).

What is your score so I can see if I have any listed for you.
I have a few listed. My GRE isn’t the best and it took me 3 times to get a 150V and 151Q 3.5W (have a better writing score from previous GRE).

What is your score so I can see if I have any listed for you.

150 148 3.5
I have a few listed. My GRE isn’t the best and it took me 3 times to get a 150V and 151Q 3.5W (have a better writing score from previous GRE).

What is your score so I can see if I have any listed for you.
Are you sending both dates for the test? I also got a 3.5 for writing and a 4.0 before but with lower v and q scores.