Has anyone received a secondary from OUCOM?

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15+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I haven't heard from them yet though im suspecting I will, and I have some free time this weekend and wanted to bang out any seconday essay i havent done yet. I couldn't seem to find the prompts anywhere for OUCOM on SDN, anyone have any idea what they might be.

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I haven't heard from them yet though im suspecting I will, and I have some free time this weekend and wanted to bang out any seconday essay i havent done yet. I couldn't seem to find the prompts anywhere for OUCOM on SDN, anyone have any idea what they might be.

Here is the prompt (pretty standard):

In the space provided below indicate: why you wish to become an osteopathic physician; why you wish to attend the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine; and any additional information you feel the college should know about you.

Good luck!