Health Policy/Development Organizations...

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Jul 15, 2003
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Is anyone here interested in working in a health policy field? If so, are you planning on earning an MPP (master's in public policy) or MPH prior to attending medical school? I'm really interested in health policy issues...specifically, I'm interested in increasing access to modern medicine in underdeveloped countries. I'm particularly interested in the projects of international organizations like the Peace Corps and the WHO (World Health Organization) in modernizing healthcare in developing ("3rd world") nations. Has anyone here interned with WHO or worked for the Peace Corps? If so, how did you like your experience with the organization? Has anyone here worked with any other non-profits/non-governmental organizations that focus on development issues?

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I am!! :D This is exactly what I am interested in and hopefully will get into an MPH/MD program. I haven't worked for WHO or Peace Corps, but I did study abroad in East Africa on a health care development study and learned a lot about NGOs there. What programs are you applying to? PM me and we can talk more.