Health Questions on PCAT

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Sep 11, 2012
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I'm studying off of older material. Could someone explain the "health" section on the PCAT. Looking at the blueprint, I'm not sure what they mean by Drugs, Diseases and Nutrition.

Could someone show me a sample question. I bought the pearson practice tests but don't want to take it until I feel fully ready.

Thank you

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Give you a scenario using drugs/decease , and then you need to describe the effect they have!

Can't think of a example of the top of my head.
Off the PCAT website

Emphysema is a lung disease that impairs the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide resulting in which condition?

A. Respiratory alkalosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
Off the PCAT website

Emphysema is a lung disease that impairs the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide resulting in which condition?

A. Respiratory alkalosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
this seems more like an A&P question don't you think?

We all know that emphysema has to do something with not being able to breathe properly. But i don't this the question is testing us on that.

Remember CO2 + H2O -----carbonic anhydrase--> H2CO3 --> H+ + HCO3-

can't breathe means buildup of CO2, apply LeChatelier's principle, H+ and bicarb increases. we know that its gonna be some sorta acidosis.. i would guess respiratory acidosis. correct?

After taking a couple of the pearson practice tests there were alot of questions pertaining to "this disease is caused by too much or not enough of ______ vitamin/mineral" or "this disease is caused by _____" or "this drug mimics the actions of this neurotransmitter therefore its mode of action is to ______"

the questions weren't too hard though. got most of them right. just goto wiki and look up vit A D E K B C and their function, what diseases can arise from too much or too little of it. also, look up major diseases and learn their mode of infection (bacterial, fungal, viral)
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Im using an old micro book to study drugs and disease and im using an old A&P book to study for nutrition.