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15+ Year Member
Mar 14, 2004
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hello everyone,
i am new to this forum.I came to know about the forum through my friend.its really good to see many dentists eagerly waiting to get a license in america. this forum is more like a family where u share happiness and support people when they are falling down.

i wish i will be a usefull source in the forum.

congratualtion Sam,Meggs and all others who have succesfully got in to the school.

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thank you

congrats for getting into UPENN,BU

u r very lucky!!!


wish u all the best
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Originally posted by busydentist
congratualtion Sam,Meggs and all others who have succesfully got in to the school.

Oh, thank you busydentist. I feel like a celebrity :D How long have you been lurking on Sam, Tasha and me?? :p :D

Hey Tasha that's a cute avatar you got yourself! What's the cow doing??

I just changed my avatar, but I don't like it now. It blends in with the rest. I liked my old bright orange one better, so I could find myself easier in threads. I'm "hunting" a new one.
hello meggs

i have been reading the forums for a couple of months
and i was trying to get registered for a long time . i think they have a problem with the registration or may be i was doing something wrong

i have seen in you almost all the replies.
you have been really helpfull to everyone.
god help those who help others
you have been a classic example .

and about sam ,who can miss him!!:love: he is everywhere in the forums

good luck to you all
Meggs, looks like we have a friendly stalker on our hands.. hehehe.. j/k busydentist! :) I'm glad you've been following our perilous journey into dental school.. hope its been of help to u.

You like my cow Meggs? She's a cutie! Her name is Dr. Moo. :) I'm already getting dangerously attached to her. I like your new avt, but the old one was instantly recognizable and as unique as its owner.. happy hunting!! :D

Originally posted by busydentist
....i have been reading the forums for a couple of months
and i was trying to get registered for a long time . i think they have a problem with the registration or may be i was doing something wrong ....

What kind of problems where you having while trying to register?

It seems that some other new members have had registration problems.

I have problems very often when I try to post. I have to try over and over, and even wait a few minutes before being able to. I think is some kind of server problem.
Ya and I have to frequently log on ie within fifteen minutes or so I am automatically logged off:(
Me too!! I don't get logged off, but I experience a lot of server problems.. esp at peak US times, so I try and post my msgs when the rest of you are fast asleep.. :sleep: The server is a lot faster then.
hi tasha
i have the same problem,i think the server will be too slow
yeasturaday afternoon i tried the whole day but the page doesnt open at all

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Originally posted by ToTaLLy_TaSha
Me too!! I don't get logged off, but I experience a lot of server problems.. esp at peak US times..

I think this is a result of increasing membership enrollment here at SDN! This might be a good thing because there will be more members voicing their opinions.

P.S: Welcome Busydentist to SDN.
Originally posted by The Musketeer
This might be a good thing because there will be more members voicing their opinions.

Absolutely. :)
Originally posted by busydentist
hello meggs

i have been reading the forums for a couple of months
and i was trying to get registered for a long time . i think they have a problem with the registration or may be i was doing something wrong

good luck to you all

:laugh: Welcome to the gang .It took me 2 monthes to figure out how to register here :laugh: .

and about sam ,who can miss him!!:love: he is everywhere in the forums

Goash .......................:clap: :love: I have just seen this post .I really missed a lot during the past few days .
what a romantic thread we got here....:love:
wow Sam whats going on??;) Should you let us know something?come on we are your friends:p
:laugh: Hold on you two.....................I am just welcoming the new member:laugh: .Goash!!!!!!!!!!! is it always so hard to be innocent !!.
tell me about being innocent

take a close look at the avatar i chose

:D :D :D
Hi lasjy :

I saved it & tried to enlarge it to the maximum .It is still not that clear. What does it represent exactly ????
its a tooth praying with a halo above it

a tooth angel

:laugh: Soooo ...........you are an innocent Tooth .