Help for MPH admission(please comment to me)

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Oct 27, 2009
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:) Hello
I register in right now.
I really want to go to Public health graduate school such as Harvard,JSHP,UNC.
But, I'm nervous and not confident on my score and career.
Moreover, since I'm a foreigner(Korean), I don't have enough information.
What I can do is only browse admission website of graduate school.
So I introduce myself briefly and ask for your comment whether I could apply for them or not.

Brief Curriculum Vitae (All my academic and career in Korea.)

Academic background

B.S in Pharmacy (GPA 3.3)
M.S in Pharmaceutics
Ph.D in Pharmaceutics


Hospital Pharmacy 2.5years
Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service 4 years(Present)
- Public organization such as the combined agency both CMS and HMO in U.S.A

English Score
Toefl 82 But, I will rise up to 100.
(minimum : Harvard 95, JSHP 100)
GRE V/M/A (620/790/3.0)

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You should be acceptable to most Advanced Professional MPH programs in the States. A lot of schools offer a MPH like this which can fit into a calendar year for folks who are already established with other advanced degrees (such as yourself).