HELPP!!!!! Rescheduling?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
I just took my first complete Bootcamp test and these are my scores:
BIO- 22
OC- 30

I took one of the practice PAT test yesterday, and got a 16 too. My test is in 5 days, and I'm thinking of rescheduling because of my PAT scores. I'm having the hardest time doing well on this section of the test because I get nervous because of the timing, and the only parts that I'm doing well on are hole punching and TFE. I've study religiously the last 4 weeks for the sciences and saved the PAT for the last 2 weeks, and now I'm really regretting it. I've spent almost 2 hrs a day on the PAT generators on BC, but it's still not helping me. :scared: I'm very hesitant to push back my test because I already submitted by applications when this cycle opened, and the DAT is keeping them on hold. I'm soooooo unbelievably nervous of the PAT, and I don't know what to do anymore about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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erm. stay away from generators just do the section practice if you want more for TFE now that you're getting closer to the test. really try to visualize it. im not going to lie but the PAT on my DAT was really really challenging. but work at it and it should be fine your scores show.

practice tests are practice tests.
no way to truly predict your scores. just learn your mistakes and be more alert on the exam day