Hematology/Oncology 2021-2022 Fellowship Application Cycle

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Does anyone know at what point most interviews get sent out? Mid August?

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Does anyone know at what point most interviews get sent out? Mid August?
I think that's when things tend to kick off in earnest. Based on last year's thread, I would guess that most invites go out between mid August and mid September. Who knows, though.

Radio silence on my end. Just gotta be patient, I guess! 😅
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Hey guys, good luck!
Any ideas if the interviews this season will be virtual or in person. for folks who got IVs, do you have virtual or in person IV so far?
Hey guys, good luck!
Any ideas if the interviews this season will be virtual or in person. for folks who got IVs, do you have virtual or in person IV so far?
all virts here so far - ive heard about some hybrid situations from colleagues though...virts plus in person optional socials. ive split thoughts on that.
Icahn Sch Med Mount Pgm sent Diversity Open House Invitation flyer for tomorrow, I believe for all applicants of fellowship to the program, Any benefit of attending the zoom sessions?
It is a zoom session, I can attend it but wondering what is the benefit, if I don't get interview from there.
OH! now im clear on what you mean. could it be another avenue to express interest? increasing their familiarity with you, thereby increasing odds of being selected for interview?

i seriously dont think i would have gotten into my medical school had i not been so engaged at the (optional) second look session. it was a super small group and we had dinner with the PD. after that session, the person who interviewed me said the PD asked a ton of follow up questions about me and my interview.

walking through all the doors that THEY open up to interact with you gets a solid yes from me.
Icahn Sch Med Mount Pgm sent Diversity Open House Invitation flyer for tomorrow, I believe for all applicants of fellowship to the program, Any benefit of attending the zoom sessions?
I never received a flyer, what time is this for? I guess its only for candidates they are interested in ?
Icahn Sch Med Mount Pgm sent Diversity Open House Invitation flyer for tomorrow, I believe for all applicants of fellowship to the program, Any benefit of attending the zoom sessions?
I did not get a flyer from them. So I think it must be for people they're interested in. You should definitely go
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How is the interview invite going on? It is quite in my end. I got rejection from Beth Israel, that is it so far. I understand it may not be peak invite time yet?
How is the interview invite going on? It is quite in my end. I got rejection from Beth Israel, that is it so far. I understand it may not be peak invite time yet?
Pretty quiet for me too.
Do programs have set time to send invites and that is it? for eg, NIH sent some invites on Monday, are they done or do they send in batches?
Do programs have set time to send invites and that is it? for eg, NIH sent some invites on Monday, are they done or do they send in batches?
Everything I know about this, I read on old threads, so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I believe that most programs do batch invites because it affords them a little more control.
Reposting a comment I made from last years cycle because I feel it is still relevant:

"Posting this early to help the nerves of those with less than stellar CVs:

I am a Carribean grad with 230s for both step scores. Little to nothing in the way of research aside from local conference case presentations. No grants. Never published. No away or audition electives. I went to a community program without a fellowship. I am a first generation doc with no physician-friends/family with any influence. No chief year. I did have good LORs because I did multiple elective rotations and grew to know the docs at my institution well. In general(or at least on paper) I am an average to below average candidate and I matched at my first choice program in the Northeast and I couldn't be happier.

I am posting this because several colleagues will post their impressive credentials in the days and weeks to come. And it will seems like everyone is interviewing at "top tier" programs and has 20 interviews. Seeing this last year I was riddled with anxiety all season thinking that I was not good enough. It even made me depressed at times. I just want you to be confident in yourself and your choice. It can happen for you if you want it. Feel free to PM me with any questions."
Thank you for your post!
I know my Interview invites are dry and all. :sorry:
But are there any good resources that I can use to prepare for interview? :pompous:
I wanna make the most out of the few invites I will have. (hopefully) :xf::luck:
Thank you guys.
I know my Interview invites are dry and all. :sorry:
But are there any good resources that I can use to prepare for interview? :pompous:
I wanna make the most out of the few invites I will have. (hopefully) :xf::luck:
Thank you guys.
yeah, you know, i think it would be prudent to prepare for the pretty standard IV questions - aside from that, ive been connecting with current fellows to get their spin on specific questions per institution....really hasnt been too much variability in their responses.
The interview invite info on google spreadsheet, do you guys think it can be a representative of the actual world. I mean, it seems there are only few invite on the google spreadsheet. Could there be a lot more invite already sent and we don't know about it as the applicant doesn't use SDN? I suspect this as it is more than 2 weeks now since programs start reviewing. I did not get any so far and started to be worried
I reached out to a lot of programs recently. Most of them emailed back that we are still reviewing applications and will possibly send out invitations by last week of august , first week of september. They also mentioned that if you are not selected we will be informed.

I also spoke to fellows from my program and they said that it was the same last year and then suddenly you get a surge towards the end of August.
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I reached out to a lot of programs recently. Most of them emailed back that we are still reviewing applications and will possibly send out invitations by last week of august , first week of september. They also mentioned that if you are not selected we will be informed.

I also spoke to fellows from my program and they said that it was the same last year and then suddenly you get a surge towards the end of August.
shoutout to the programs sending invites and acknowledgements early. im grateful for my few IVs and for the movement for others (as evidenced by the spreadsheet).

i guess the only question your comment raises is, didnt ERAS open at a different date last year? and the year before? plus covid turned the original interview date pattern on its ear. seems all those factors would affect the timing of the IV "bolus."

idk, being super busy helps distract me like 1% from the neuroses but i just feel like its not over til rank lists are due.
yeah, you know, i think it would be prudent to prepare for the pretty standard IV questions - aside from that, ive been connecting with current fellows to get their spin on specific questions per institution....really hasnt been too much variability in their responses.
Got it. Thanks for your reply!


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I reached out to a lot of programs recently. Most of them emailed back that we are still reviewing applications and will possibly send out invitations by last week of august , first week of september. They also mentioned that if you are not selected we will be informed.

I also spoke to fellows from my program and they said that it was the same last year and then suddenly you get a surge towards the end of August.

Not me panic-applying to five more programs...
People, it’s Friday. Go drink some beers or something!

You’ll all be fine.
Blank inbox 🙁
Do you know where is the legendary google spread sheet? I did get notifications from programs saying that they received my application. But that's about it. Not like I am panicking at all. (me trying to ignore involuntary tremor while saying this )
Do you know where is the legendary google spread sheet? I did get notifications from programs saying that they received my application. But that's about it. Not like I am panicking at all. (me trying to ignore involuntary tremor while saying this )
There's a link in the chat here, on page 2
Do you know where is the legendary google spread sheet? I did get notifications from programs saying that they received my application. But that's about it. Not like I am panicking at all. (me trying to ignore involuntary tremor while saying this )
lolllll dude what? that spreadsheet has been on fire for weeks. where have you been??
I have 3 total — 2 real ones and a courtesy invite from my home program. Grateful for all of them! And hoping that a few more roll in, of course.
Is courtesy invite a good or bad thing? Wouldn't you have a higher chance at your program since they know you?
I have 3 total — 2 real ones and a courtesy invite from my home program. Grateful for all of them! And hoping that a few more roll in, of course.

kinda have the same question -

what makes you consider it a courtesy invite? i dont know all the ins and outs of recruitment but i used to think programs did this, too...now it just seems that filling an IV slot with a "courtesy" invite would be a wasted opportunity to IV/rank someone they might actually want at their program. you might have the juice!

FWIW, i actually havent gotten invited by my home program...aaand that might be okay.
You know, I used to think an invite was an invite... and maybe it is! But my home program is very transparent about what they're looking for in a fellow (physician-scientists, essentially) and that's pretty clearly not me. So I think I'm being invited to interview in part because I'm a "known entity" in an uncertain time.

Or ... maybe someone actually does like what I bring to the table, lol. Who knows! I think all I can do is try my best at the IV and be honest about my interests and goals. If they still want me, I'm certainly happy to stick around!
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