How are Resident IMG’s paying their healthcare bills ?

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Jan 1, 2020
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The place that I come from has the employees health scheme where a resident pays insurance amount as part of their monthly deductions from their monthly stipend. I wonder what it is like for a Non-US IMG doing their residency in US ? I hear the health care is costly in the US and how are you guys managing it ? Will the salary you get paid is enough to handle health care costs ?


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The place that I come from has the employees health scheme where a resident pays insurance amount as part of their monthly deductions from their monthly stipend. I wonder what it is like for a Non-US IMG doing their residency in US ? I hear the health care is costly in the US and how are you guys managing it ? Will the salary you get paid is enough to handle health care costs ?


It's a private insurance that your employer subsidizes and you get deducted from your monthly salary. Doesn't sound much different than your system. There might some outside expenses for a doctor's visit or medications, but if you're young and healthy they're usually not too burdensome. It's when those two conditions are not met and you don't have employer supplied healthcare that things can be very difficult and costly.
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The place that I come from has the employees health scheme where a resident pays insurance amount as part of their monthly deductions from their monthly stipend. I wonder what it is like for a Non-US IMG doing their residency in US ? I hear the health care is costly in the US and how are you guys managing it ? Will the salary you get paid is enough to handle health care costs ?

Not any different