How does withdrawing from a waitlist look on reapplication?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 30, 2016
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I'm on the wait-list for University of Florida, but I am no longer considering going there because it is not near my fiancee's career path. I searched around on this website and saw that declining an acceptance and reapplying almost guarantees not getting into any med school. How would it look if I withdrew from the wait-list though? I obviously wouldn't reapply to that same school, but would other schools care? I know I'm not likely to get in anyways, but it would horrify me if this ruined my chances at medical school next year because I didn't take action early enough.

Also, UF doesn't have any info on withdrawing from the wait-list, should I just email them and say I have current obligations that would prevent me from going to UF?

Lastly, is there any proof that schools care if you declined a med school acceptance? I see a lot of this thinking on here, but not a lot of hard evidence.

Thank you so much for your time!

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I'm on the wait-list for University of Florida, but I am no longer considering going there because it is not near my fiancee's career path. I searched around on this website and saw that declining an acceptance and reapplying almost guarantees not getting into any med school. How would it look if I withdrew from the wait-list though? I obviously wouldn't reapply to that same school, but would other schools care? I know I'm not likely to get in anyways, but it would horrify me if this ruined my chances at medical school next year because I didn't take action early enough.

Also, UF doesn't have any info on withdrawing from the wait-list, should I just email them and say I have current obligations that would prevent me from going to UF?

Lastly, is there any proof that schools care if you declined a med school acceptance? I see a lot of this thinking on here, but not a lot of hard evidence.

Thank you so much for your time!

On the MD side, yes, they do care if you decline an acceptance and other schools can find out. Not sure if withdrawing from a waitlist would affect your chances at other schools though. That would be a question for some of the adcoms on here like gyngyn or LizzyM.
Thank you guys so much for you input! Your advice has been very helpful in figuring out what to do!