How much did I hurt my chances?

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7+ Year Member
Sep 11, 2016
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I have a 3.53 gpa, 3.39 science (including a C I took at a community college over the summer in Orgo I). I declined credit and got a B, but I accepted my calculus grade, so that has been factored into my science gpa.

The gpas by themselves aren't enough, I don't think, to prevent me from getting into maybe one or two schools, but it's the spacing that may be a problem. I took a minimum course load 3 semesters (only 2 of which can be explained by a serious illness). I also took both semesters of bio and lab, Orgo I, Calculus 2, and both Orgo labs over the 3 summers. I was a biochem major, so I had plenty of upper-level science classes to keep me busy, but I feel like I made a few dumb mistakes when planning out my undergraduate career.

I'm not applying until May for medical school, so I have a second gap year. Would these mistakes be fixed by a post-bacc (money would be a bit of an issue, and I'm sure deadlines have passed), or is working on clinical hours best now and to just be prepared to explain all of this?

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I have a 3.53 gpa, 3.39 science (including a C I took at a community college over the summer in Orgo I). I declined credit and got a B, but I accepted my calculus grade, so that has been factored into my science gpa.

The gpas by themselves aren't enough, I don't think, to prevent me from getting into maybe one or two schools, but it's the spacing that may be a problem. I took a minimum course load 3 semesters (only 2 of which can be explained by a serious illness). I also took both semesters of bio and lab, Orgo I, Calculus 2, and both Orgo labs over the 3 summers. I was a biochem major, so I had plenty of upper-level science classes to keep me busy, but I feel like I made a few dumb mistakes when planning out my undergraduate career.

I'm not applying until May for medical school, so I have a second gap year. Would these mistakes be fixed by a post-bacc (money would be a bit of an issue, and I'm sure deadlines have passed), or is working on clinical hours best now and to just be prepared to explain all of this?
go annihilate the MCAT
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Around what score should I consider retaking in these circumstances?
You'll be good as long as you get ~510+. However, that is not set in stone. Did you have financial difficulties that could explain the light class load? Can you not use your prior medical issues to explain it?
Did you have financial difficulties that could explain the light class load? Can you not use your prior medical issues to explain it?
The semester that was not medically related was due to overwhelming depression, which until my hopeful licensure where my medical records are disclosed, I don't want to bring my mental health into it. I feel I've made huge strides, so I want to forget about it.

I get my MCAT score next Tuesday, so I shall hope for a 510, although I honestly think it'll be more 506. If so, I studied 3 months the first time, so 6 weeks should be enough to increase to my goal of 511-512, right? Timing was my single biggest problem last month. (Sorry to bring a whole new topic in. It's just been a rough few days.)
I got a 506. :/
apply broadly(state schools, HBCUs and even some higher tier schools) but make sure your essays are on point. You will be fine and are in a good spot even though it doesn't feel that way right now. How are your ECs?
apply broadly(state schools, HBCUs and even some higher tier schools) but make sure your essays are on point. You will be fine and are in a good spot even though it doesn't feel that way right now. How are your ECs?
I forgot to mention that I got a 123 CARS. 37%. I was in ESOL until 10th grade, but I think mentioning this will do more harm than good. (Will I be screened out of a lot of schools?)

I have 200 clinical volunteering over 2 years. (100 comes from dental clinic, when I was considering that- worth bringing up?)
600 hours of research over 2 years
5 hours of shadowing
150 hours as a teaching assistant

After junior year, I paused all ECs after being diagnosed with an incurable [life threatening] illness. After finally accepting that it's a part of me, I started studying for the MCAT a few months ago. So now that I'm looking on ECs again, I have 3 clinical volunteering possibilities, 1 non-clinical (looking for more), 1 day of shadowing set up, looking for a Spanish tutor so I can communicate with more patients, and looking to train as a CNA so I can finally get a full time job to show some kind of longevity on my application.

The thing is, I don't want it to look like overkill/ last minute box checking. I am 100% ready to do all is this until hopeful matriculation in 18 months, but waiting for positions to open up and physicians to take me as a shadow is really slowing me down.m and in the meantime I get anxious and look for even more possibilities.

I forgot to mention that I got a 123 CARS. 37%. I was in ESOL until 10th grade, but I think mentioning this will do more harm than good. (Will I be screened out of a lot of schools?)

I have 200 clinical volunteering over 2 years. (100 comes from dental clinic, when I was considering that- worth bringing up?)
600 hours of research over 2 years
5 hours of shadowing
150 hours as a teaching assistant

After junior year, I paused all ECs after being diagnosed with an incurable [life threatening] illness. After finally accepting that it's a part of me, I started studying for the MCAT a few months ago. So now that I'm looking on ECs again, I have 3 clinical volunteering possibilities, 1 non-clinical (looking for more), 1 day of shadowing set up, looking for a Spanish tutor so I can communicate with more patients, and looking to train as a CNA so I can finally get a full time job to show some kind of longevity on my application.

The thing is, I don't want it to look like overkill/ last minute box checking. I am 100% ready to do all is this until hopeful matriculation in 18 months, but waiting for positions to open up and physicians to take me as a shadow is really slowing me down.m and in the meantime I get anxious and look for even more possibilities.
Don't rush the process...Apply with the best possible app even if it means delaying. Honestly, I would also look for opportunities to get out in the community and help the underprivileged aka non clinical opportunities. However, I would solicit the help of the adcoms on SDN @Goro @gyngyn @LizzyM for a definitive answer on what you should do. You're doing great and are almost there. Good luck!
You are in good shape for the HBCU's.
State of residence?
From what I wrote in my last comment, was I right to focus on ECs now, or do you think retaking the MCAT should be my priority?
Sorry to add to this thread again.

The more I think about it, the less comfortable I am with the 123 CARS, and Bio needs work. When is the latest I can take the exam and still be in the earlier wave of applicants?
Right now the possible dates I can consider are 4/28, 5/13, 5/18, 5/19, and 6/1.

What are the chances that I focus on CARS and Bio during my review and my 130 C/P drops below a 128? I ask because I have made a draft of a schedule and to fit some of these timelines I'm doing 4-5 chapters a day (using both EK and Kaplan sets so I don't miss out on content).
Sorry to add to this thread again.

The more I think about it, the less comfortable I am with the 123 CARS, and Bio needs work. When is the latest I can take the exam and still be in the earlier wave of applicants?
Right now the possible dates I can consider are 4/28, 5/13, 5/18, 5/19, and 6/1.

What are the chances that I focus on CARS and Bio during my review and my 130 C/P drops below a 128? I ask because I have made a draft of a schedule and to fit some of these timelines I'm doing 4-5 chapters a day (using both EK and Kaplan sets so I don't miss out on content).

I think you should listen to gyngyn. Lord forbid you retake and do worse. If you're dead set on retaking I'd say give yourself ample time to do so and apply next summer.
I think you should listen to gyngyn. Lord forbid you retake and do worse. If you're dead set on retaking I'd say give yourself ample time to do so and apply next summer.
Looking at my schedule, it looks like it would be rough to study and be on time. If I take a third gap year, my family would 100% disown me.

I was told that A's in English classes might be able to help a bad CARS?