Medical How should I answer diversity secondary question?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I'm not sure what would be better for the diversity secondary but would really appreciate some input. Grew up in a suburban neighborhood, orm, middle class, so not super diverse in those regards lol. Here are some ideas I can think of:
1. My parents immigrated here from a really small country (like 5 mil people), so I was thinking about talking about the experience of being a kid of immigrants, esp from such a small country that no one really knows about, and how that aspect specifically has taught me not to lump people into categories and to see them for their actual story and background (in addition to talking about the immigrant family experience). However, I'm not sure if this is good since there are many people with asian immigrant parents, so this experience is not super uncommon
2. I went to a public stem boarding school for high school (grades 10-12), taught me to be super independent and learned how to support peers better, etc.
If both of these aren't good then I will think of a few more, but would either of these be a good start?
Number one is very common. Number two doesn't bring anything new to a class or cool. In fact all medical students are expected to do what you learned in stem High School.

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1) First-generation student... ok. There are a fair number of first-gen students, but we all have our different potholes to maneuver around or avoid when we don't have many others helping us learn how to navigate financially or emotionally at times. But being "different" is important to know how you managed that as you were growing up.
In my primary I included my hobbies, one of them being journaling. I've also played the violin since I was 3, but my involvement decreased in college when I was busy so I didn't include that since I thought it would look bad. I also had a blog that averaged around 50k views per year when I was in middle school which has taught me some stuff. Would it be better to talk about how my experiences/hobbies/things I do have impacted who I am (like personality traits/attitudes/outlooks) vs the experiences themselves , since they aren't very special?
I was also thinking about discussing challenges of having only one working parent with no other family here and having to sometimes go to food banks and stuff like that, but is that better for the adversity essay?
Just because you don't play as much as you used to doesn't mean you shouldn't list it. If it's something you like to do, I would list it. Playing a musical instrument is unique. Hobbies are great to list because it gives you a chance to connect with your interviewer.

I think that would be better for essay.
In my primary I included my hobbies, one of them being journaling. I've also played the violin since I was 3, but my involvement decreased in college when I was busy so I didn't include that since I thought it would look bad. I also had a blog that averaged around 50k views per year when I was in middle school which has taught me some stuff. Would it be better to talk about how my experiences/hobbies/things I do have impacted who I am (like personality traits/attitudes/outlooks) vs the experiences themselves , since they aren't very special?
I was also thinking about discussing challenges of having only one working parent with no other family here and having to sometimes go to food banks and stuff like that, but is that better for the adversity essay?
Just because you don't play as much as you used to doesn't mean you shouldn't list it. If it's something you like to do, I would list it. Playing a musical instrument is unique. Hobbies are great to list because it gives you a chance to connect with your interviewer.

I think that would be better for essay.
I agree with my young colleague, but I feel it's less about how something has impacted you as to what you bring to the Class.
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