Medical Should I Answer An Optional Secondary Essay Question?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I'm looking for advice for whether or not to answer a secondary prompt. My cumulative and science GPA are > 3.90 and my MCAT score falls around the 50th percentile of this particular school. I've struggled with ADHD and had to overcome many challenges and sacrifices in order to achieve these statistics. With the MCAT, I was denied accommodations and likely would've been able to do better had I received those. My experiences with ADHD have shaped my work ethic and my perspective as a future physician, so I'm not sure if discussing this would benefit or hinder my application.

Secondary prompt is optional and allows you to address academic hardships.

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I think not. The prompt is really looking for evidence that hardship allowed you to “grow,” Ie overcome adversity or learn something. In your case it would come across as an excuse for an MCAT that you think is lower than what you expected—this may be true, but A) it doesn’t read well, and B) it doesn’t really get to the point of the prompt.
"My cumulative and science GPA are > 3.90 and my MCAT score falls around the 50th percentile of this particular school (Tufts)."

You did not have any academic hardships. You prospered in spite of your ADHD, which is a very good sign.

Hence, you can leave the prompt blank
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