General How should I answer interview question about a time where you lied?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hi, I’m struggling a bit when coming up with a satisfactory answer for an interview question I’m preparing for. The question is “tell me about a time you lied”, or another version of it being “is it ever okay to tell a white lie?”

I just don’t know what type of situation would work best because I assume you want to be honest with the interviewer but also not seem like you are a terrible person for lying so bad in the situation.
Everybody lies. So tell the truth to the question

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Thanks! I was thinking, would it be okay to talk about a time where I told a supervisor at work one of my projects (I’m a school tutor for a job) would be done by the next day when I knew I wouldn’t have time to do so. I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal if I was late and just brushed it off that day. Turns out that the professor had announced to a 1000 person class that my worksheets would be out that day, and there were many students at the next session expecting my project/worksheet. It made me feel really bad as a person and realize that I should have just told the truth to my supervisor because I was short sighted and didn’t see how many people it affected and how I learned not to lie about being on time like that again. Or would something like this be too basic?
That's fine.

Try not to overthink this, okay?
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