How should letter writer address me in letter for MD applications? I hold a PhD

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Feb 28, 2024
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Specifically my postdoc PI. I have a PhD. He usually addresses me as "Dr. Double_doc_in_progress" but would that come off badly to ADCOMS since I'm not a "real" doctor? Should he address me as "Ms. Double_doc_in_progress" or by my first name?

The questions that come up as a nontrad....

Thanks in advance!

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Step back here.

You are not the one at all responsible for how your PI writes their letter. They write it how they want to. Adcoms know you don't have control of this since applicants usually waive the right to read letters. Sensible people will not think you said to your PI: "Hey, can you refer to me as Dr. So and So in your letter so I look better to adcoms?". They will know that your PI wrote the letter how they wanted to without your specific input/review. That's mostly the point of why you waive rights.
Step back here.

You are not the one at all responsible for how your PI writes their letter. They write it how they want to. Adcoms know you don't have control of this since applicants usually waive the right to read letters. Sensible people will not think you said to your PI: "Hey, can you refer to me as Dr. So and So in your letter so I look better to adcoms?". They will know that your PI wrote the letter how they wanted to without your specific input/review. That's mostly the point of why you waive rights.
Right, agree and I appreciate this perspective. However like most academics my postdoc PI has asked me to write my own letter and he will sign it. I assume he refers to his former postdocs as "Dr." as this is the standard.
Thanks! I think that makes sense. I also ended up just asking my postdoc PI and he said he refers to all his postdocs as "dr" regardless of what they are applying for, so problem solved 🙂
My letter writers, which included my PhD advisor, used Dr. without second thought.

First name is informal, in an academic recommendation letter, so possible after first mention. Ms. would be offensive to me.

In the end, this is not a clinical situation with any patients around. You hold the original (lower) doctorate degree, from philosophy of research, and the OG title which is Latin for "teacher".
My letter writers, which included my PhD advisor, used Dr. without second thought.

First name is informal, in an academic recommendation letter, so possible after first mention. Ms. would be offensive to me.

In the end, this is not a clinical situation with any patients around. You hold the original (lower) doctorate degree, from philosophy of research, and the OG title which is Latin for "teacher".
Thanks! Appreciate this perspective, it sounds like he did indeed address me as "Dr" when he submitted it.