
  1. P

    WAMC Chef to Doctor Low Overall but otherwise competitive

    Hey fellow community, I am going insane; here are my stats. Florida resident, 33 years old Professional chef since failing out of college circa 2013 Overall GPA 2.51, Since returning to school last year 3.87/BCPM 3.85 in 55 credits Worked in Michelin kitchens in NYC Father of 2 small children...
  2. P

    Chef to Doctor. I need advice.

    Hello all, I am 32. A dad and returning to school. My overall GPA is about 2.51, including classes I quit in 2013. I returned, to premed a year and a half ago, my GPA since has been 3.87, BCPM 3.85 with about 55 credit hours (all on the backdrop of winning a chef award, working 70+ hours a week...
  3. N

    Best path forward to improve chances?

    Good afternoon all! I have one post in the past where I somewhat introduce myself, but I'll touch on it here for simple context. I looked around a bit, and this seemed within the norms to make a post like this, but if I'm wrong, please let me know or delete it. I apologize in advance for the...
  4. D

    C- in prereqs taken in 2008 - will this prevent MD admission?

    Title. I'm nontraditional and applying with a killer MCAT score, a PhD, many many pubs and patents, 15K + hours clinical and volunteer experience. I have a couple C- in my gen chem series. My PhD GPA was 4.0. I took grad level chem courses and got As. For schools where prereqs don't expire (the...
  5. D

    How should letter writer address me in letter for MD applications? I hold a PhD

    Specifically my postdoc PI. I have a PhD. He usually addresses me as "Dr. Double_doc_in_progress" but would that come off badly to ADCOMS since I'm not a "real" doctor? Should he address me as "Ms. Double_doc_in_progress" or by my first name? The questions that come up as a nontrad.... Thanks...
  6. B

    Issues with UCSD biochem courses being accepted?

    The short of it is I am a non traditional student seeking to apply this cycle. I completed the majority of my prereqs at a local community college. For Biochemistry I took the UCSD extension course ( ) which is a 10 week...
  7. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention

    REPOST DUE TO MULTIPLE UPDATES. Hello, I am looking for some advice on a school list/things to add or change. I am a California resident and an ORM. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one, 3.04). I took 60 credit hours in my post-bacc...
  8. D

    AMCAS App Advice for Non-Trad

    Hello all! I'm sure a lot of folks are as excited as I am that the AMCAS application is open. I'm interested in some advice on a few sections as I am a super non-trad who graduated in 2012 with a BA in biology, worked in an unrelated industry role for several years, completed a PhD in...
  9. B

    WAMC NONTRAD 3.75/521 12 yrs since undergrad

    Hi SDN Community, I am humbly asking for some honest advice and insight. I am 34 years old. Despite five attempts (yes, I know) to get into medical school starting in 2015, I have not been successful. I graduated from UC Berkeley back in 2012. My last MCAT score from August 2020 was 521 (98th...
  10. M

    Glad to be alive, but I need some help.

    I have a bit of a unique situation, and I would like some guidance moving forward with respect to applying this cycle. I began my college career as a nursing major, and transferred to Biology after working in the hospital as a tech for a period of time. I realized rather late into my college...
  11. B

    WAMC NONTRAD with 520/3.5sGPA in CA Need help with school list

    Hi Everyone, I'm a non trad hoping to apply this next cycle. I have been combing msars trying to build a school list but it has been difficult with my lopsided stats. Stats Undergrad cGPA 3.0 (in Environmental Studies). CC Post Bac GPA 4.0.Overall cGPA: 3.48. Overall AMCAS sGPA 3.504. Overall...
  12. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention Reapplicant

    Hello, I am looking for some advice on my chances and what else I can do to improve. I am a California resident and an ORM. I am reposting as I secured a new job and am looking for more opinions. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one...
  13. H

    Nontrad trans URM, not enrolled in pre-med yet, interested in plastics

    Here’s my academic story— 2003 — Graduated straight A student in HS 2007 — Struggled with undiagnosed ADHD and never finding the appropriate subject fit; low GPA at small liberal arts school (2.4 I believe) in a non-STEM field. Toward the end I was involved in a horrible abusive relationship...
  14. M

    WAMC Non-Trad/Vet 3.48/522

    Hello SDN friends, Currently active duty, looking to apply in the '24 cycle. Some family health issues that have developed over the past few years have me wanting to move home to the DC/Baltimore area. This is extremely important to me. I graduated from the Naval Academy a couple of years ago...
  15. M

    Is this a lost cause? [Nontrad]

    Hi everyone, I graduated university ~10 years ago with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I prioritized working and other things over school and had multiple F’s and D’s. I’ve always felt passionate about medicine but always felt it was unattainable. I’ve taken the past few years to fully...
  16. B

    WAMC uGPA 3.28, gradGPA 3.7, MCAT 511, NY resident, thank you!

    Hello!! :) Scores: Undergrad: 3.28 (freshman: 3.3, sophomore: 3.03, junior: 3.2, senior: 3.5) Syracuse university Grad: 3.7, Masters of biomedical science 26 credits MCAT: 511 (125, 126, 129, 131) Personal: 24yo white woman Grew up in CT, been a resident of NY for 3 years Research...
  17. jupemu

    School List Help: URM, 3.3 GPA, 509 MCAT, SMP

    cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS Undergrad cGPA: 3.16 AMCAS and 3.16 AACOMAS sGPA: 2.98 AMCAS and 3.04 AACOMAS Postbacc 4.00 Graduate SMP in Biomedical Sciences cGPA: 3.82 AMCAS and 3.82 AACOMAS sGPA: 3.81 AMCAS and 3.82 AACOMAS cGPA: 3.31 AMCAS and 3.31 AACOMAS sGPA: 3.21...
  18. S

    Nontrad (3.66/521) - WAMC + School List Help

    Basically, I'm looking for both a general WAMC and some ideas of low- and mid-tier schools to add to my list, which I think is too top-heavy for my cumulative GPA, lack of pubs/posters, and low service hours. Not really interested in TMDSAS or DO schools. All advice welcome! Background...
  19. papascherbatsky

    Non-trad/Vet: Do I need an SMP?

    Hello! I am a non-trad/veteran/career changer looking for some guidance on whether I should pursue an SMP to become more competitive for CAA school. My cGPA is 3.37, and my sGPA is 3.55 (I graduated in 2020 with 58 credits from a CC and the remaining at a private university). After I left...
  20. P


  21. P

    Question about reinvention

    Hi All, I’m on a reinvention journey and taking postbacc classes to improve my low GPA. I understand 30-40 credits in postbacc classes are considered adequate. As of now, I completed 13 units, taking 1-2 classes a quarter because of my full time job and other responsibilities. I’m now wondering...
  22. DocHopeful1

    My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey (Part 2-Final)

    Hello again SDN! This is insane that I'm back on here years later. I am here to finally reveal the ending of a story I started several years ago. ✨spoiler alert✨ I matched into my #1 program! Here is the link to Part 1 of my story: My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey...
  23. SicilianDragon

    MD Acceptance with LM 57

    I'm finally able to share my story with a happy ending. Four application cycles, 3 MCATs, 50+ medical schools, thousands of dollars on secondaries, tons of rejections, and countless tears/mental breakdowns later, I can finally say that I have been accepted into my dream school (a US MD program)...
  24. S

    Tips on getting Direct Patient Care Exp?

    33 y/o, non-trad, and recently did a career change. I will be taking math classes (potentially some english too) this year and will jump on science pre-reqs starting next fall. Is getting a CNA license (pay $$$$ for that license, take 3 courses in the summer) worth it to get direct patient care...
  25. V

    Need help planning my next few years

    Context: I am a computer science major at a lesser-known 4-year state school. I completed 6 semesters (3 years) at this college before I was diagnosed with cancer last August. I had a mediastinal NSGCT in my right lung and my oncologist told me I had a 40-45% percent chance of survival. Really...
  26. J

    3.381 GPA with Incredibly Strong Upward Trend

    Life was complex right out of high school. I joined the Marine Corps, enrolled in college, and also applied for and was accepted to Marine Officer Candidate School and contracted as a pilot for the Marine Corps. This was January of 2018 when I started college. My obligations to the Marines were...
  27. D

    RN to MD?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for reading this. I am an ER RN in my mid-20s in WA. I have always wanted to work in healthcare. When I was a child, I dreamt of becoming a doctor, however, once I learned about the rigorous admission requirements and long hours of residency, I decided I wanted to go the...
  28. W

    WAMC: 2023 Application and School List

    Hi y'all. Primary was verified last month and already used throwaway to Mayo. Non-trad with lots of different GPAs and experiences. Pre-writing secondaries now but it would help to be able to finalize my school list. Not applying DO or Caribbean so please don't ask :) Here are my stats: DC...
  29. johnsonthehopeful

    Summer class on top of 32 hours of post-bacc?

    Hey y'all. So I'm a super-nontrad and reapplicant who recently completed 32 hours of DIY post-baccalaureate coursework. Only a handful were upper-division courses (biochem, micro, med micro, physics, genetics) due to the lack of availability of courses that didn't interfere with my work...
  30. OchemOficionado

    ***2022-2023 URM Medical School Application Thread***

    It's that time of the year again! Please feel free to share your cGPA, sGPA, MCAT, Major, if you're non-trad, your ECs, etc. and ask and answer questions! Dates: AMCAS Opens - May 3rd, 2022 Application Submission - May 31st, 2022 Completed Applications Transmitted to Medical Schools - June...
  31. T

    Non-Trad and Science Letters of Recommendation

  32. T

    CO school for reinvention postbacc

    Need some help deciding on a school to postbac at. I'm in the serious reinvention category with a 2.86 undergrad gpa with a few Ds and Cs in my med school prereqs, so I am looking to retake those classes and then add on a bunch of upper level science classes to bump up my stats and show a strong...
  33. himikie

    Help me decide between SMPs: NYMC AMP and Georgetown SMP

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me decide between SMPs. I recently got accepted to both Georgetown 1-year SMP and NYMC 1-year accelerated SMP, and was wondering if anyone has any insights to these programs. I will be applying to medical schools this upcoming cycle, and just...
  34. Future Dr. Juice

    Thomas Jefferson P4 2022-2023

    Hello, Has anyone received an interview invite/acceptance from the Postbaccalaureate Pre-Professional Program (P4) at Thomas Jefferson? I received an invite Friday 12/17 and I signed up on the website they gave me to schedule an interview. They provided two online dates for 12/20 and 12/21...
  35. healthEngineer

    WAMC (2022/2023): 3.7 cGPA, 3.62 sGPA, 516 MCAT, CA Resident, UCLA, Nontraditional

    Hi. I am planning to apply to medical schools in 2022 and I’m interested what schools I should target given the information below. Any input would be appreciated. :) 1) cGPA 3.7, sGPC: 3.62 2) MCAT: 514 [130, 124, 130, 130] (8-26-2021) to 516 [131, 126, 130, 129] (9-3-2021) a) I knew I messed...
  36. aquamist

    Nontrad Prerequisites

    I'm a nontraditional student (finished both undergrad and my MPH at UC Berkeley, currently working in health tech), and I'm currently working to take post-bacc prereqs (ones I haven't taken before...they're not for academic enhancement purposes). I have to take a year of gen chem, a year of o...
  37. G

    How to ask for LORs during COVID-19?

    Hi everyone, as the title may suggest I was wondering if anyone could advise on how to ask for letters during the ongoing pandemic. Prepandemic, the ideal situation was to sit down with your writer and hand over a resume/CV. Is this still advised when asking professors from undergrad for a...
  38. Bpetro93

    Northeast Ohio Medical University-personal experience

    I was waitlisted for both NEOMED and Wright State this past year after applying at the end of the application cycle (in October). I was presented with an early assurance opportunity with NEOMED, which would require that I complete a 1 year masters with the school before starting at the COM in...
  39. N

    Check-in post for non-trad advice :)

    Apologies in advance for the novel, I just read this back and realized how long it is. Big thanks to anyone that actually reads this monster! Appreciate you all! :) tl;dr, I was admittedly very mediocre during undergrad due to undiagnosed depression, got my life together and am now very...