How soon do admissions committees review after interview?

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Jun 25, 2018
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Does anyone have an idea how soon after interviewing a candidate do admissions committees make their decision (pre-December interviews)? I interviewed at a school on Monday and sent my thank you email on Wednesday. I know it doesn't make a difference obviously, but was kind of wondering if they had already decided on me by the time my interviewer read it.

Feel free to include things you've heard about only a specific school, I'm just curious.

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I've heard from students at Colorado they meet every week to decide on the previous week applicants. They have 3 interview dates in a given week. But it's unofficial so if you are accepted in August, you could get bumped by someone in November.
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The San Antonio admissions dean said they meet the week after as well. Sensing a common theme so they probably received your thank you note in time.
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Few schools I heard conduct meeting once they finish interviewing everyone on the same day (while applicants still in school watching presentations). Not sure if they make the decision right away, but as I understand they gather together so that interviewers could give an impression about an applicant (your grade).
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