I'm a rising MS2 at a school with 67k/yr tuition. I have been offered the 3-year army HPSP scholarship which I planned to sign within the next few weeks. I have done pretty extensive research for myself so I am aware of the many negatives of committing to HPSP. Despite all those concerns, I was still okay with going the HPSP route bc:
1. I believed that I was committed to primary care (i know, pretty silly of me to think that I knew what I wanted to do so early in my medical education) so the relatively low military pay wouldn't have affected me as much (and therefore only would have to give back 3 years post-residency)
2. Financial situation for my parents who are immigrants and always stressed about money so even though I was never too pressed about being 400k in debt, they could barely sleep at night thinking about it (even though I've made it clear they are in no way responsible for helping me with my debt) so I wanted to alleviate their concerns and let them retire without worrying about me (they are in their 70s and should retire soon)
3. I believe that I am extremely flexible with my life and wouldn't mind the annoying things that you have to put up with in the military as much as the average doc would.
4. I do have a desire to serve others and feel that a short 3-4 year spurt as a military doc would give me some great life experiences without needing to commit a massive chunk of my life
HOWEVER, my specialty aspirations have changed and my priority as of now is anesthesia and second is an IM fellowship route (considering Heme onc). My main concerns are the match possibilities which I know are notoriously unpredictable. My ability to match into the specialty of my choosing is pretty important to me so I was wondering the outlook for matching into army anesthesia and how much harder that will be than civilian matching. I believe I have the chops to be a competitive applicant for anesthesia, but I don't wanna risk that opportunity. The idea of extending my service time to 8+ years post-med school also does not seem appealing, which I know is very possible if I cannot match into gas immediately and have to do GMO years or if I do a heme-onc fellowship through the army (which the payback is my residency and fellowship years +1). I also hear there is a good chance the army will straight up deny me the opportunity to do a fellowship??
I definitely should have more seriously considered the possibility of me switching my specialty before I committed this far into the application, I really regret not preparing more. However, I am making sure to do my due diligence now before I sign anything. If the chance of matching anesthesia through HPSP is not markedly lower than matching civilian, I honestly don't mind HPSP route. However, if there is a very noticeable difference in match rates historically, I likely will decline the scholarship. Open to any thoughts!! Thank you so much))
I'm a rising MS2 at a school with 67k/yr tuition. I have been offered the 3-year army HPSP scholarship which I planned to sign within the next few weeks. I have done pretty extensive research for myself so I am aware of the many negatives of committing to HPSP. Despite all those concerns, I was still okay with going the HPSP route bc:
1. I believed that I was committed to primary care (i know, pretty silly of me to think that I knew what I wanted to do so early in my medical education) so the relatively low military pay wouldn't have affected me as much (and therefore only would have to give back 3 years post-residency)
2. Financial situation for my parents who are immigrants and always stressed about money so even though I was never too pressed about being 400k in debt, they could barely sleep at night thinking about it (even though I've made it clear they are in no way responsible for helping me with my debt) so I wanted to alleviate their concerns and let them retire without worrying about me (they are in their 70s and should retire soon)
3. I believe that I am extremely flexible with my life and wouldn't mind the annoying things that you have to put up with in the military as much as the average doc would.
4. I do have a desire to serve others and feel that a short 3-4 year spurt as a military doc would give me some great life experiences without needing to commit a massive chunk of my life
HOWEVER, my specialty aspirations have changed and my priority as of now is anesthesia and second is an IM fellowship route (considering Heme onc). My main concerns are the match possibilities which I know are notoriously unpredictable. My ability to match into the specialty of my choosing is pretty important to me so I was wondering the outlook for matching into army anesthesia and how much harder that will be than civilian matching. I believe I have the chops to be a competitive applicant for anesthesia, but I don't wanna risk that opportunity. The idea of extending my service time to 8+ years post-med school also does not seem appealing, which I know is very possible if I cannot match into gas immediately and have to do GMO years or if I do a heme-onc fellowship through the army (which the payback is my residency and fellowship years +1). I also hear there is a good chance the army will straight up deny me the opportunity to do a fellowship??
I definitely should have more seriously considered the possibility of me switching my specialty before I committed this far into the application, I really regret not preparing more. However, I am making sure to do my due diligence now before I sign anything. If the chance of matching anesthesia through HPSP is not markedly lower than matching civilian, I honestly don't mind HPSP route. However, if there is a very noticeable difference in match rates historically, I likely will decline the scholarship. Open to any thoughts!! Thank you so much))