I dropped out of St. Luke's University School of Medicine

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psych student
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Aug 7, 2003
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This is something that I think that everyone should read. I'm no longer a student at St. Luke's University School of Medicine and I apologize for all that warned me and tried to have me come to my senses. I truely wanted to be a physician. I wanted to be doctor. Now, I'm a fool. And the president of St. Luke's Medical school is making me out to be one. He clearly blames me for all that is happening to St. Luke's University School of Medicine. He has sent me more than one email stressing how I caused all this to come about. He even says that I've caused the accreditation of his school in both Liberia and Ghana to be in jepordy now.

Now, the very organization which I defended is saying I'm to blame. He's making out like I'm the one who called the Ministry of Ghana to verify what he has on offical documents stating St. Luke's University School of Medicine is accredited in both Liberia and Ghana. Have you noticed that everything that states that has been removed from the internet? I have an offical catalog from St. Luke's University School of Medicine dated just last year stating this:

St. Luke School of Medicine is a private medical school accredited in both the Republic of Liberia (Lie) and the Republic of Ghana in West Africa (Lie). The Basic Science campuses are located Monrovia, Liberia (Lie) and Cape Coast, Ghana (Lie). It wqs established in June 1998 and accredited in January 1999 in Ghana (Lie), and August 2000 in Liberia (Lie). St. Luke School of Medicine is registered with the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Students and graduates of St. Luke are approved and eligible to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), administered by the Educational committee for Foregin Medical Graduates (ECFMG). Students and graduates of St. Luke School of Medicine can do internship and residency in the United States and Canada.

That's on the front cover of the St. Luke School of Medicine Catalog which I printed off their website before I sent in my application.

Also, look at this. This was in my acceptance package which I recieved.

Please indicate below your preferred country of registration, Liberia or Ghana. Please expect to begin studies September 2003 in Ghana, Liberia or the USA.

At the end of each page, it has your name, Date, Location and you circle the country of registration which you want to belong. I belive I circled Ghana on each of my pages.

I will not post the email this President of the school sent me blaming me for all that has come about with St. Luke's. However, after the first one, I sent an apology and he sent another with much stronger language blaming me for the exposure of St. Luke's. He even went as far as saying that I'm the one that now may put his school at risk of not being able to become accredited in Liberia or Ghana.

I do hope you are reading this Mr. President of St. Luke's and tell your lawyers to contact me so I can show them all the deception you put in writing claiming St. Luke's was legal when it never was. Yeah I would love to argue this in court. Your words of denial of what you have put into writing. You can't take back what you wrote and signed. You can delete it off the website and claim you never said that, but I have all in writing. Did you think I would throw that stuff away? You got me mistaken for someone else. Your right about one thing, I didn't make a fool of St. Luke's, I made a fool of myself believeing your fraud and deceptive words. You have taken over $800 of my money all in the name of fraud and deception. I would love to see that in court.

Lastly, word of warning to Azsepktic and others who are exposing this fraud and deceptive school, Mr. President is threatening to sue you for expressing a fact in open forum. It's not opinion any more Mr. President of St.Luke's that you lied about accreditation in Ghana and Liberia. It's not opinion anymore that you were in fact enrolling student in Ghana and Liberia. It's all on offical papers. You enrolled these students knowing that the school was not accredited nor legal in Ghana or Liberia. This is not opinion and you dang sure can't sue a person for stating the facts. You've committed a major fraud and now your looking to blame someone when you've been exposed? How dare you. You've got alot of cojones.

Let this be a lesson to all those out there who want to go to medical school. If the school doesn't request MCAT scores, doesn't have any graduates, doesn't have any standards on who they admit, doesn't have legal status in the country you want to attend (Call every government offical you can and stay away from medical school that open up in the middle of a war torn country), has no students in the US in residency that you can call and verify and has no licensed graduates, stay the hell away from these schools. That includes all those new medical schools that have only been around for less than 10yrs and makes promises that they can't prove. Apply to the schools which have reputation. Don't fall for the cheap tuition or how easy it is to get into the medical school.

I feel so stupid. I'm holding back the tears in my eyes over the gal of this man blaming me for all that is happening. But it's ok. I'll re-register at my legit accredited recognized in all 50 states undergraduate university and do it right this time. I only pray that I can get into one of the more established medical school when it comes time for me to go to a real medical school. I should have listened. Azsepktic, NeilC and others, I'm so sorry. To SDN people, I'm so sorry. I ask each and everyone of you to please forgive me. Please don't look down on me because of this.


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