I have no interviews. What should I be doing?

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Aug 12, 2017
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US med student from mid tier school. My Step I was bad, my Step II a little below average, and I am in the bottom quartile for grades, but wanted to try because I fell in love with the field. I'm not ready to totally give up yet but want to start preparing in anticipation of SOAP. Is there any benefit to doing an away rotation (even if it's someplace I wouldn't be able to match) for a letter to reapply next year? I was able to secure an away at an academic program, but don't think I have a prayer's chance of matching no matter how well I do. Would it be better to do more surgery rotations at my home institution, getting more letters, getting to know the faculty better, etc. because they are more invested in me?

I want to at least try and get a prelim spot next year and reapply, but this time with a back-up.

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US med student from mid tier school. My Step I was bad, my Step II a little below average, and I am in the bottom quartile for grades, but wanted to try because I fell in love with the field. I'm not ready to totally give up yet but want to start preparing in anticipation of SOAP. Is there any benefit to doing an away rotation (even if it's someplace I wouldn't be able to match) for a letter to reapply next year? I was able to secure an away at an academic program, but don't think I have a prayer's chance of matching no matter how well I do. Would it be better to do more surgery rotations at my home institution, getting more letters, getting to know the faculty better, etc. because they are more invested in me?

I want to at least try and get a prelim spot next year and reapply, but this time with a back-up.

What's your step 1? <200?
I would meet with a faculty member from your school and ask if they have connections at any of the places you applied. Perhaps you could get some interviews by asking a faculty member to request an interview on your behalf, although I have been told that such "courtesy" interviews are less likely to yield a successful match. I would also look into prelims that are known for helping applicants match into the field of their choice (UW is one that comes to mind, although I'm sure there are others).
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I’d try rotating at a program that would be willing to look past your scores and go on the strength of your rotation. If you can swing something now and wow them by being affable, available and able (in that order), that’s probably your best shot of matching this cycle. As far as letters go for next year, I think that’s a wash. Phone call would help you more only because there are so many people applying, it’s hard to read another LOR and be wowed by it. Good luck.