I need suggestions please!

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Apr 24, 2009
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I need some help please!
I am a graduating senior and I want to pursue a career in pharmacy, but I'm in a pickle... I made the poor decision of dropping out of high school in the past and stay out of school for two years. I then came back last year, and now I'm pretty much finishing up high school in a matter of two years. Although I am graduating with minimum credits, I have a 3.9 GPA and got 1900 on SAT(not good :mad:). I applied for gatech, mercer, and ga state hoping I can go to mercer. However, I've heard some pretty bad things about mercer and now im reconsidering. One of my friends told me that I should just go to GA southern and do prepharm there and my parents just want me to go to a community college and transfer out to UGA later. I really want to pursue a career in pharmacy, but I don't know what to do! I know it was my mistakes that landed my in this spot in the first place but if someone can give me some insight on what I should do, please do so.

Thank you!


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I need some help please!
I am a graduating senior and I want to pursue a career in pharmacy, but I'm in a pickle... I made the poor decision of dropping out of high school in the past and stay out of school for two years. I then came back last year, and now I'm pretty much finishing up high school in a matter of two years. Although I am graduating with minimum credits, I have a 3.9 GPA and got 1900 on SAT(not good :mad:). I applied for gatech, mercer, and ga state hoping I can go to mercer. However, I've heard some pretty bad things about mercer and now im reconsidering. One of my friends told me that I should just go to GA southern and do prepharm there and my parents just want me to go to a community college and transfer out to UGA later. I really want to pursue a career in pharmacy, but I don't know what to do! I know it was my mistakes that landed my in this spot in the first place but if someone can give me some insight on what I should do, please do so.

Thank you!


You're not screwed at all. Pharmacy schools don't look at your high school numbers. Two years at CC is a great idea. Make sure you do very well there. Then transfer, get a science degree (whatever kind you want), and apply to pharmacy school after that. Make sure you finish your pre-reqs by your junior year so they can consider them when you apply. Study hard, work hard, earn the As, and you'll be fine.