IM in Chicago

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For those who have applied and/or interviewed at U Chicago, Northwestern, Rush, and/or Loyola, what did you think about the programs?

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I was told by people at my school the following, not sure as to the accuracy, but just some impressions:
The University of Chicago is the class of the midwest and definitely the best in Chicago. Enourmous research potential and opportunity for fellowship placement. Drawbacks: nowhere near the patient volume as other Chicago hospitals. As one PD in Chicago told me, "They don't have a lot of patients but sure talk alot about the ones they do have." Also on the South Side, although by my accounts the campus area is pretty safe.

Northwestern: solid program, PD very helpful, happy residents; serves the "Gold Coast" i.e. comparatively more affluent patient population; everyone there seems to be really well dressed ;)
Drawbacks: private attendings can make for some degree of disorganization

Loyola: good program, PD very nice and helpful, not really on the first tier with the top 2; operates on a firm system which can make for some interesting call nights when backup isn't that close by
Drawbacks: smaller program, less opportunity for fellowship

Rush: good program, attracts students from just about every academic level, some of your peers will be AOA/240+ step 1, others won't be close to that, the residents I've talked to seem to be happy
Drawbacks: not sure

Mind you, this reflects the opinion of a few people at a different university. you know the qualifications for nw and uchicago?

i scored 245 on step 1....honored about 2/3 of first/second year courses...some research, hopefully i will get published but who knows...i think i will get good letters of rec from people well-known at my school but i dont think most of the people at my school are that well known in the medical community...and i go to only an average medical much will that weigh against me...will i have to get aoa to have a good shot at these schools?
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Northwestern and UChicago are obviously quite competitive, they'll look at board scores. Relax. You've got them and then some with a 245 on Step 1. Like everyone else on this message board says, IM, more than just about any other specialty, is more than just grades and board scores. AOA is a great honor but does not exclude you from a top program if you don't have it. It's all relative. I mean, if I were a PD and I saw a guy who was top 1/3 with good evals from a great school like Duke, surely I would consider this a better accomplishment than some guy or gal who was AOA at "Joe's School of Medicine." That's just me. That being said, if you are coming from an average med school with a decent rep then getting AOA may be a little more important. If you don't get it, it isn't the end of the world for NW or UChicago though, especially with your Step 1. What will help is your good LORs and your research. Sometimes what I think we all forget on these message boards is that so much of this process is really the type of person you are rather than your actual qualifications. It's true, there is a certain reality to the situation, get good grades and rock the boards and you have more options. But, often times your grades and boards simply open the door. The time to really shine starts now in the interview process. When you interview at your top programs, let them know what your all about. You've done some research, take a little time to see what similar research has taken place at UChicago or Northwestern. Do you want to subspecialize? Read up on the school's division of cardiology or nephrology or whatever and start talking about what they are doing. A school picks you not necessarily on what you've done but where you are going and how you'll fit in. Let them know you're going someplace good with your career! Sorry this post got so long, I'll get off the soap box now. Good luck!

A couple questions. First, isn't NU moving away from the private attending system? And second, what about UIC? You left that one out.

NU would be my first choice but I will definitely not have AOA. I do have a 235 Step 1, and we'll have to see how many honors I get in my core rotations.
There Are No Privates At Northwestern. All Services Are Ward Based, With One Attending. Residents Have Tons Of Autonomy, However, But This Is Of Course Attending Dependent.