If you haven't already, buy the AAMC official practice materials (at a minimum, the official exams and the question banks, but I recommend it all). Also, there's a bunch of study schedules/guides on Reddit and the internet. I read over a bunch of them before planning out my study plan and I highly recommend you do the same to familiarize yourself with the resources available and get an idea of the timeframe you'll need to achieve your goal.
I liked the Kaplan review set for content review, the books are very thorough IMO. To improve CARS, start doing practice passages every day. Jack Westin sends out a free passage each day:
MCAT CARS Practice Exams. P/S is an easy section to boost your score in if you learn the material - look up the premed95 anki deck, the 300 page P/S review guide on the r/mcat subreddit.
Other than those materials, all I can recommend is practice practice practice, and ALWAYS try to fill in the gaps in your knowledge (print out the MCAT topic sheet from AAMC and check things off as you go over them, then periodically go back and see what you struggle with). The r/mcat subreddit is an absolute godsend when you're doing practice since most AAMC practice exam answers are discussed there.
You can do this! Good luck, and feel free to PM if you need more help!