Insight into APPIC Internship Sites

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Nov 21, 2020
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I’m wondering what questions to ask to get a better sense of the culture of a site.

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Hi there,

I'm new here :hello:

I'm currently applying for internship. I am a PsyD student seeking an internship in an inpatient psychiatric hospital or correctional setting with an emphasis on therapy, though I'd still like to gain further experience in assessment. Below I've included a list of the sites I'm applying to and I wonder if anyone has any insight into the sites. I've read each brochure extensively but I know the brochure can only provide so much information as to the environment of the actual site.
  1. Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
  2. Arizona State Hospital
  3. Utah Internship Consortium
  4. University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute
  5. Hartford Hospital/Institute of Living
  6. Kern Behavioral Health
  7. Los Angeles County Internship in Corrections
  8. Southern California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Consortium (CIW track)
  9. Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility
  10. Youth Service Dept. of West Palm Beach
  11. Hawthorn Center
  12. Hutchings Psychiatric Center
  13. University at Buffalo - Psychiatry
  14. Buffalo Psychiatric Center
  15. Naussa Medical Center
  16. Ohio Psychology Internship
  17. Mississippi State Hospital

Thank you very much!

You will be well served by asking thoughtful questions during your interviews. Remember that you are interviewing these sites as much as they are interviewing you. If you have specific questions about the culture of the organization or “real” experience of an intern, ask about those things. Ask to speak to a current intern, and ask their opinions.

I very much appreciate when candidates ask more in-depth questions about things not included in the brochure. Best of luck to you.
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