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Jul 12, 2018
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I am about to get found guilty by title ix of breaking a no contact order and probably stalking an ex girlfriend. I went a year without messaging her but she was telling all of my peers and my bosses BS so I sent her an email saying mean things. Nothing threatening. I am probably going to get put on probation. Will this destroy my chances of getting into new school ( I will report of course).

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I am about to get found guilty by title ix of breaking a no contact order and probably stalking an ex girlfriend. I went a year without messaging her but she was telling all of my peers and my bosses BS so I sent her an email saying mean things. Nothing threatening. I am probably going to get put on probation. Will this destroy my chances of getting into new school ( I will report of course).
Into medical school. I am about to get my PhD. 4.0. I did pretty bad as undergrad tho (2.9).
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The current issue and the undergrad 2.9 will combine to pretty much seal your fate, I'm afraid. I recommend you pursue a career using your PhD.
So don’t even try?
I will have a PhD. That seems redundant
Your PhD is next to irrelevant in the context of med school admissions, and your PhD GPA won't even be considered by med school admissions committees. What they'll see is a 2.9 undergrad GPA, a good publication history, and a major judgment defect in violating a do-not-contact injunction. Your application will get screened out so fast it'll make your head spin. You're way past post-bacc-level learning, but an SMP may help mitigate the GPA problem. As for the Title IX violation, I don't even know where to tell you to start. Tagging the posse: @Goro @gonnif @gyngyn @LizzyM @Med Ed @Catalystik
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Your PhD is next to irrelevant in the context of med school admissions, and your PhD GPA won't even be considered by med school admissions committees. What they'll see is a 2.9 undergrad GPA, a good publication history, and a major judgment defect in violating a do-not-contact injunction. Your application will get screened out so fast it'll make your head spin. You're way past post-bacc-level learning, but an SMP may help mitigate the GPA problem. As for the Title IX violation, I don't even know where to tell you to start. Tagging the posse: @Goro @gonnif @gyngyn @LizzyM @Med Ed @Catalystik
I worked as a lab tech, then went to get my PhD (in immunology). Why wouldn’t my gpa matter? I took multiple 900 level courses. I know more about human health than any undergrad
At the very least you need time away from this. Not a few years, like 5+. And bring your GPA up. PhD isn't a replacement, do a postbacc, be prepared to do a SMP. But you need time away from a IA this serious.
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At the very least you need time away from this. Not a few years, like 5+. And bring your GPA up. PhD isn't a replacement, do a postbacc, be prepared to do a SMP. But you need time away from a IA this serious.

It isn’t even that serious. My personal and professional life got too intertwined. I’m never gonna mix those two again. This was an ex who was harassing me too. I think I’m gonna not get charged with stalking, but I violated the order. Never even made physical contact with her in any way shape or form
Because grad school courses aren't graded the same way as undergrad courses and everyone has a 4.0.

That is not true at all. Grad school courses are graded exactly the same way, if not harder.
It isn’t even that serious. My personal and professional life got too intertwined. I’m never gonna mix those two again. This was an ex who was harassing me too. I think I’m gonna not get charged with stalking, but I violated the order. Never even made physical contact with her in any way shape or form

I meant to say get the stalking dropped
If you had something in the realm of a 3.4ish for UG, I think your odds of getting in would be slim, but not zero. I would do an smp, make sure you kill it, and then apply... if it does not work out, your PhD can be your fallback plan
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That is not true at all. Grad school courses are graded exactly the same way, if not harder.

Then how'd you go from a 2.9 to a 4.0? You'll have to prove that your grad school GPA is reflective of the current you, and the way to do that is postbacc/SMP.

It isn’t even that serious. My personal and professional life got too intertwined. I’m never gonna mix those two again. This was an ex who was harassing me too. I think I’m gonna not get charged with stalking, but I violated the order. Never even made physical contact with her in any way shape or form

You're assuming people will actually read that far. Regardless of what the background is, this is bad bad news for you and something that you'll have to disclose to schools, at which point why keep spending time digging into your file when there are thousands of other qualified applicants without a blemished background?

Like it or not, in the unlikely(?) event you somehow end up in the news for something similar, someone will dig around and ask why a school decided someone who had been accused of something similar in the past was allowed to matriculate/graduate/become a doctor. Right now you are a liability.
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Then how'd you go from a 2.9 to a 4.0? You'll have to prove that your grad school GPA is reflective of the current you, and the way to do that is postbacc/SMP.

You're assuming people will actually read that far. Regardless of what the background is, this is bad bad news for you and something that you'll have to disclose to schools, at which point why keep spending time digging into your file when there are thousands of other qualified applicants without a blemished background?

I would explain that in the application. And my UG science gpa was like a 3.3. Really just had a bad freshman year (2.0) which held me back all throughout.
I would explain that in the application. And my UG science gpa was like a 3.3. Really just had a bad freshman year (2.0) which held me back all throughout.

Additionally I wasn’t criminally charged. They shouldn’t even be able to see it unless I get suspended or expelled. My school seals these types of documents. No one but the interviewers would even know of it
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1) is your no contact order made by a school judicial process, civil court, or criminal court?
2) an SMP is a specific audition program for medical school and isnt neccessarily redundant if your goal is to get into medical school
3) all medical school applicants have undergraduate records and have a basic core set of prereqs. All PhDs have widely differing courses and subjects. Therefore graduate work has much less impact on adcoms. There are a small group of schools that will focus on postbacc or latest work
4) your background and situation are atypical and I cant advise without fully knowing your case. Your IA can be viewed as minor but it depends why you got the no contact in the first place. Your PhD may be sufficient to overcome at some schools. But assuming anything is wrong
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Your undergrad will get you screened out at some places. The IA will get you screened out at others because no one wants someone who creates that kind of drama on their campus. Do something meaningful with your PhD and be thankful you have the possibility of a career that does not require making espresso beverages.
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1) is your no contact order made by a school judicial process, civil court, or criminal court?
2) an SMP is a specific audition program for medical school and isnt neccessarily redundant if your goal is to get into medical school
3) all medical school applicants have undergraduate records and have a basic core set of prereqs. All PhDs have widely differing courses and subjects. Therefore graduate work has much less impact on adcoms. There are a small group of schools that will focus on postbacc or latest work
4) your background and situation are atypical and I cant advise without fully knowing your case. Your IA can be viewed as minor but it depends why you got the no contact in the first place. Your PhD may be sufficient to overcome at some schools. But assuming anything is wrong

The order was through the school and it was stupid in the first place. I drunk texted her one night. Her friend contacted the dean. Never talked to her again but she was slandering my name to my peers and bosses so in a moment of weakness I called her mean names via email. ****ing cinco de mayo. All of this occurred in cyberspace. From beginning to end. All of my PhD work is related to medicine. I am taking mcat in august
Your undergrad will get you screened out at some places. The IA will get you screened out at others because no one wants someone who creates that kind of drama on their campus. Do something meaningful with your PhD and be thankful you have the possibility of a career that does not require making espresso beverages.

But some places might accept me? If I apply around? And have 3 good LOR?
The order was through the school and it was stupid in the first place. I drunk texted her one night. Her friend contacted the dean. Never talked to her again but she was slandering my name to my peers and bosses so in a moment of weakness I called her mean names via email. ****ing cinco de mayo. All of this occurred in cyberspace. From beginning to end. All of my PhD work is related to medicine. I am taking mcat in august

So do you want advice, or do you want people to tell you you are right? It seems like you're ignoring everyone and all the awesome advice they're trying to give you.
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So do you want advice, or do you want people to tell you you are right? It seems like you're ignoring everyone and all the awesome advice they're trying to give you.

I answered his question. He wanted context.
I answered his question. He wanted context.

I just refuse to believe that it is an automatic no. The whole IA would be sealed and I’m only saying it to be honest and I would have a PhD in immunology. Some say I don’t have a chance. I’m seeing who thinks I do
Because grad school courses aren't graded the same way as undergrad courses and everyone has a 4.0.

False. Not even close. My chemistry masters degree courses (in terms of difficulty) >>>>>>>> my bachelor degree courses.

You sir, are fake news.

Disclaimer: Some anatomy/physiology/biology masters are more apt to give 4.0*
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The order was through the school and it was stupid in the first place. I drunk texted her one night. Her friend contacted the dean. Never talked to her again but she was slandering my name to my peers and bosses so in a moment of weakness I called her mean names via email. ****ing cinco de mayo. All of this occurred in cyberspace. From beginning to end. All of my PhD work is related to medicine. I am taking mcat in august
So you originally drunk text a girl and got the original no contact order? What was the nature of your relationship before that?

And stop assuming that you have any chance and making plans to get letters. Right now you are a crappy candidate to say the least though schools may not throw you out from the start.

So forget your PhD for to moment and explain year by year your 2.9 in UG
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I am about to get found guilty by title ix of breaking a no contact order and probably stalking an ex girlfriend. I went a year without messaging her but she was telling all of my peers and my bosses BS so I sent her an email saying mean things. Nothing threatening. I am probably going to get put on probation. Will this destroy my chances of getting into new school ( I will report of course).

I dunno how difficult an immunology PhD is. I have seen a physician with a PhD in immunology though, so its definitely not bad.

I'm not sure if that IA will kill your chances at medical schools or not. Have you considered talking directly to ADCOMS via phone and/or E-mail to get a more concrete answer?

The first thing I would do if I were you is:

1. Contact ADCOMs at medical schools where I was thinking of attending, tell them of your IA and stats.
2. If they say they will give you a fair chance, take the MCAT and see where you're at
3. If your MCAT is high enough, you may not need an SMP.
4. Consider SMPs if that doesn't work out. Specifically one linked to a medical school.
False. Not even close. My chemistry masters degree courses >>>>>>>> my bachelor degree courses.

You sir, are fake news.

Disclaimer: Some anatomy/physiology/biology masters are more apt to give 4.0*

Agreed, some of the courses I took were brutal.
So you originally drunk text a girl and got the original no contact order? What was the nature of your relationship before that?

And stop assuming that you have any chance and making plans to get letters. Right now you are a crappy candidate to say the least though schools may not throw you out from the start.

So forget your PhD for to moment and explain year by year your 2.9 in UG

I dated her for a year before that. Met her fam and friends. The works.

First year - 2.0. Second year -3.4 third and fourth year 3.2
Agreed, some of the courses I took were brutal.

I dated her for a year before that. Met her fam and friends. The works.

First year - 2.0. Second year -3.4 third and fourth year 3.2

I honestly don't think your stats are that bad for DO schools, considering the upward trend, and a 4.0 in immunology with a PhD. DO/DPM schools would probably be fine with you, if you had a decent MCAT, IF it were only your stats.

However, you have an harassment IA. That should be you biggest concern. I'm not an ADCOM so I have no idea how those are really looked at behind closed doors. It appears many of the ADCOMs here say its a giant barrier.

Again, you may be best off to contact ADCOMs via phone and have a civil and realistic discussion of your chances with prospective schools over your IA.
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I honestly don't think your stats are that bad for DO schools, considering the upward trend, and a 4.0 in immunology with a PhD. DO/DPM schools would probably be fine with you, if you had a decent MCAT, IF it were only your stats.

However, you have an harassment IA. That should be you biggest concern. I'm not an ADCOM so I have no idea how those are really looked at behind closed doors. It appears many of the ADCOMs here say its a giant barrier.

Again, you may be best off to contact ADCOMs via phone and have a civil and realistic discussion of your chances with prospective schools over your IA.

I appreciate your input. I’m going to apply for MD either way. I’m just going to take responsibility for what I did, say that I learned my lesson and that I will never mix my personal and professional life again. I think the mitigating circumstances of this harassment charge will speak for themself, and again, it wasn’t criminal and wouldn’t even be on my transcript.

Random rant - I understand why a school would want the information, or any employee really, but I don’t think it is anyone’s business Especially if it is through title ix, whom only need to be about 51% sure a violation has occurred to find you guilty. This isn’t a court. It is very subjective. - rant over
I appreciate your input. I’m going to apply for MD either way.

Are you applying only MD? That would be a gigantic mistake.

I’m just going to take responsibility for what I did, say that I learned my lesson and that I will never mix my personal and professional life again. I think the mitigating circumstances of this harassment charge will speak for themself, and again, it wasn’t criminal and wouldn’t even be on my transcript

Maybe that explanation will work, maybe not. I don't know. Talk to ADCOMs via phone before you decide 50k on an SMP or something.

Random rant - I understand why a school would want the information, or any employee really, but I don’t think it is anyone’s business Especially if it is through title ix, whom only need to be about 51% sure a violation has occurred to find you guilty. This isn’t a court. It is very subjective. - rant over

University student conduct situations are the epitome of kangaroo courts, but IA's are still important to professional schools. How long ago did this instance occur?
Take the MCAT, apply, come back at the end of the cycle and let us know how things turned out.

Schools have rules due to Title IX. The school has a mechanism for determining who has broken the rules and how they should be punished. If you are punished by your school, you must report this "institutional action". It doesn't matter what the burden of proof is or how the school determines that the rules have been broken. If the school takes action, you must report it. Stop whining and man up. If the med school thinks that you were treated unfairly or that you were railroaded, they may choose to discard the report of the IA. Your situation is unusual and perhaps unique. That makes it difficult to tell you how this will play out.
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Are you applying only MD? That would be a gigantic mistake.

Maybe that explanation will work, maybe not. I don't know. Talk to ADCOMs via phone before you decide 50k on an SMP or something.

University student conduct situations are the epitome of kangaroo courts, but IA's are still important to professional schools. How long ago did this instance occur?

What do you mean by 50k on an smp? I will also apply to some SMPs as well. I do not wish to get a DO It happened recently. Do most adcoms take calls talking about these situations?
What do you mean by 50k on an smp? I will also apply to some SMPs as well. I do not wish to get a DO It happened recently. Do most adcoms take calls talking about these situations?

SMP's are expensive. Many of them are 50k+ (total cost of attendance).

If you don't wish to go DO, and only want to go MD, then most likely you don't really want to be a physician. What would be your reasoning behind this, when you're in a position where that it's unlikely...?

Do most adcoms take calls talking about these situations?

I don't know. Maybe call enrollment staff at a university and ask if you can talk to ADCOMs, maybe even the dean?
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SMP's are expensive. Many of them are 50k+ (total cost of attendance).

If you don't wish to go DO, and only want to go MD, then most likely you don't really want to be a physician. What would be your reasoning behind this, when you're in a position where that it's unlikely...?

I don't know. Maybe call enrollment staff at a university and ask if you can talk to ADCOMs, maybe even the dean?

I am interested in oncology. My thesis is in tumor immunology. I don’t want to be a physician just to be a physician. I have actual passion in becoming an oncologist. And I will just apply instead of calling. I will try to remember to let y’all know how it goes. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
I am interested in oncology. My thesis is in tumor immunology. I don’t want to be a physician just to be a physician. I have actual passion in becoming an oncologist. And I will just apply instead of calling. I will try to remember to let y’all know how it goes. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Don't go to medical school if you can't see yourself as a primary care physician. There's a large chance you won't be an oncologist even if you are accepted.

If you apply without calling, you risk paying unnecessary application fees, taking (time and money) the MCAT when the school won't forgive your IA, even attending a 50k+ SMP with no real ADCOM encouragement, etc.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"....then apply DO...
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Agreed, some of the courses I took were brutal.

I dated her for a year before that. Met her fam and friends. The works.

First year - 2.0. Second year -3.4 third and fourth year 3.2

I believe the question was referring to why you were not allowed to contact her, not how long you dated. Out of all the girls I dated, not a single one hit me with a no contact order. Clearly you were doing something to her to get the no-contact order, which you then violated, and the question is why you did it. Anyone that sees the IA is also going to wonder this.
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Don't go to medical school if you can't see yourself as a primary care physician. There's a large chance you won't be an oncologist even if you are accepted.

If you apply without calling, you risk paying unnecessary application fees, taking (time and money) the MCAT when the school won't forgive your IA, even attending a 50k+ SMP with no real ADCOM encouragement, etc.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"....then apply DO...

Maybe I don’t really understand what a DO is.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

This was the same philosophy that led to the all the problems after she dumped you and you didnt leave her alone (assuming)
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Maybe I don’t really understand what a DO is.

Are you trolling? There's a million threads on here on the subject. I'm surprised in all your time wanting to be a physician, you never thought about researching this....
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I am about to get found guilty by title ix of breaking a no contact order and probably stalking an ex girlfriend. I went a year without messaging her but she was telling all of my peers and my bosses BS so I sent her an email saying mean things. Nothing threatening. I am probably going to get put on probation. Will this destroy my chances of getting into new school ( I will report of course).

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Maybe I don’t really understand what a DO is.

DOs are physicians. Therefore, DOs can become oncologists. It might require more effort for a DO to become an oncologist than an MD, but it is far from impossible. It just depends on how badly you want it and how hard you're willing to work.

Personally, I am happy to be applying to both DO and MD schools. However, I have mixed feelings as to whether or not I'm feeding a troll.
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I believe the question was referring to why you were not allowed to contact her, not how long you dated. Out of all the girls I dated, not a single one hit me with a no contact order. Clearly you were doing something to her to get the no-contact order, which you then violated, and the question is why you did it. Anyone that sees the IA is also going to wonder this.

I never got one either before this. Interestingly she did this to her other ex too. But that’s besides the point.
Are you trolling? There's a million threads on here on the subject. I'm surprised in all your time wanting to be a physician, you never thought about researching this....

I have read obscure things about it and it doesn’t seem like something I would be interested in especially the idea of bone alignment
DOs are physicians. Therefore, DOs can become oncologists. It might require more effort for a DO to become an oncologist than an MD, but it is far from impossible. It just depends on how badly you want it and how hard you're willing to work.

Personally, I am happy to be applying to both DO and MD schools. However, I have mixed feelings as to whether or not I'm feeding a troll.

How is this trolling.
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